英语词汇学 Unit_01 Intr是oduction to lexicology.ppt

英语词汇学 Unit_01 Intr是oduction to lexicology.ppt

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英语词汇学 Unit_01 Intr是oduction to lexicology

English Lexicology;References;lexicology;Aims;lexicology Geek morphemes: Lexi- meaning---‘ word, phrase’ lexicos--- ‘having to do with words’ or ‘for words’ logos ---notes ‘a department of knowledge’. ‘vocabulary’, ‘lexis’, ‘lexicon’ ‘dictionary’ ;1. Introduction to English Lexicology;1.1.1A Definition of a Word A word is a sound or combination of sounds forming a unit of the grammar or vocabulary of a language.( Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English :OALDCE) A word is one or more sounds which can be spoken (together) to represent an idea, object, action. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English :LDCE) ;a minimal free form of a language; a sound unity; a unit of meaning; a form that can function alone in a sentence. A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. ;Sound and Meaning;2)the Conventionalists ( 惯例派) Relations are conventional and arbitrary,no logical relationship between the sound and meaning. a kind of linguistic social contrast (一种社会契约) e.g. dog, desk, chair Not because the sound and three letters that make up the word automatically suggest the animal in question. It is only a symbolic connection. the same phonological form may convey different meaning : e.g. meet, meat, mete Knight, night A word is a symbol that stands out for sth else in the world. ;no logical relationship, different languages ,same concept , the same phonological form may convey different meaning : e.g. What is in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet (香气馥郁)。 e.g. woman, femme, fùn? the same meaning have different phonological forms in different languages different languages same concept The written form of a nature language is the orthographical record of the oral form. Sound should be consistent with the form. ;Classification of words;nonbasic vocabulary : terminology(专业术语), jargon行话), slang,(俚语)argot(黑话), dialectal(方言) terminology: p


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