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Chin J Evid-based Med 2011, 11(6): 636-639 • 636 • CJEBM © 2011 Editorial Board of Chin J Evid-based Med Original Articles 840例医务人员锐器伤现状调查 徐世兰1  吴西亿2  饶  莉1  谭  成1  乔  甫1  蒲  丹1  尹维佳1  舒明蓉1 1. 四川大学华西医院医院感染管理科(成都 610041);2. 四川大学口腔医院外科(成都 610041) 摘要  目的 通过调查医务人员锐器伤发生情况,为制定锐器伤防护措施提供科学依据。方法 采用上海复 旦大学中山医院设计的锐器伤调查问卷,按工作类别抽取四川大学华西医院各科室相关人群的 10% 进行调查。问 卷内容包括被调查者的基本情况,锐器伤后的报告情况,以及培训参与和过去 1 年锐器伤涉及的暴露源、操作、场 所和器具。结果 共发放调查问卷 840 份,回收 840 份,有效回收率 100%。840 名被调查者中,男性占 23%,女性 占 72%,50.24% 发生过锐器伤;工作年限 10 年者占锐器伤总数的 75%,护士、保洁员、医师锐器伤率处于前 3 位, 手术室为锐器伤发生的第一高危科室;已知血源性暴露源为乙肝 69 例、 梅毒 19 例 、丙肝 6 例和 HIV 3 例;62% 的被调查者参加过培训,但仅有 11.61% 被刺伤者报告过锐器伤。结论 该院医务人员锐器伤发生率较高,但报告 率较低。手术室为锐器伤发生高危科室,护士、保洁员、医师为锐器伤发生高危人群。应加强重点科室、重点人群 锐器伤防护和培训。 关键词 医院感染控制;锐器伤;职业防护;调查 A Current Situation Survey on Sharp Injury in 840 Medical Workers XU Shi-lan1, WU Xi-yi2, RAO Li1, TAN Cheng1, QIAO Fu1, PU Dan1, YIN Wei-jia1, SHU Ming-rong1 1. Department of Infection Control, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China; 2. Surgical Department, Dental Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China Abstract Objective To survey the current situation of the sharp injury in medical workers, and to provide scien- tific evidence for the prevention and protection of sharp injury. Methods Through applying the questionnaire of sharp injuries designed by Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai Fudan University, 10% of the workers in all departments of West China Hospital of Sichuan University were selected as respondents according to their job categories. The main contents of the survey included the general information of respondents, reporting after sharp injuries, training participation, and the exposure sources, operations, premises and equipments related to sharp injuries over the past one year. Results Of 840 questionnaires distributed, 100% were valid. The ratio of male was 23% while the female was 72%. There were 50.20% of all respondents who once got injured, and 75% of the respondents having the history of


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