Statutes Of 的Marco Polo Association of Urology.pdf

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Statutes Of 的Marco Polo Association of Urology

马克波罗泌尿外科学会章程 Statutes Of Marco Polo Association of Urology 前言 为了促进中国以及意大利两国间泌尿外科领域的学术交流和增进两国泌尿外科 专家间的珍贵友谊,在叶章群教授以及 Darwin Melloni 教授的倡议下成立了马可 波罗泌尿外科学会。 Preface The Marco Polo Association of Urology born out of the desire shared by Professor Darwin Melloni and by Professor ZhangqunYe to maintain and preserve the enduring friendship and scientific collaboration between the Italian and Chinese Schools of Urology. 第一章 学会的命名 学会名称为马可波罗泌尿外科学会(Marco Polo Association of Urology ,MPAU )。 本学会是非赢利学术性学会。 Article 1: NAME OF THE ASSOCIATION The association is named Marco Polo Association of Urology (hereinafter referred to as the MPAU) and is founded as a scientific and no profit making association for an indeterminate 1 period of time. 第二章 学会总部驻地 MPAU 在中国及意大利均设总部。中国总部驻地为湖北武汉华中科技大学同济医 学院附属同济医院泌尿外科;意大利总部驻地为意大利巴勒莫大学泌尿外科研究 所。 Article 2: LOCATION OF THE ASSOCIATION The head offices of the MPAU are registered in Italy and in P.R. China. In Italy the head office is located at Department of Urology of the University of Palermo; the head office in P.R.China is located at Department of Urology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 第三章 学会的目标 1、MPAU 希望能够成为中意两国泌尿外科医师的代表并推动两国泌尿外科以及 其亚学科的持续发展。 2、在中意两国培养高层次的泌尿外科专业人才。 3、鼓励泌尿外科领域的基础研究及技术创新。 4、组织并推动中意两国的远程医疗合作技术。 5、提高中意两国泌尿外科的国际地位。 6、协助中意两国泌尿外科卫生保健政策的制定。 2 7、推派博士后奖学金候选人,促进两国泌尿外科领域的交流与合作。 8、MPAU 也致力于中意两国政治、经济、文化的交流与合作。 Article 3: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSOCIATION - to act as the representative body for Italian and Chinese urologists and facilitate the continue development of urology and all its subspecialties; - to foster the highest standards of urological care


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