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护理学杂志 2010 年 11 月第 25 卷第 22 期(外科版) · 96 · 临床护士情绪智力与工作绩效相关性研究 张磊1 ,刘堃1 ,张林1 ,周秀秀1 ,解杰梅1 ,娄伟1 ,孙晓晶2 3 摘要 :目的 了解临床护士情绪智力及工作绩效现状 ,探讨情绪智力与工作绩效的相关性 ,为提高护士工作绩效提供依据。方法 采用工作场所情绪智力测量量表 (WEIS) 及护理专业行为表现六维度评分表 ( Six2D Scale) 对 359 名临床护士情绪智力及工作绩 效进行测量 ,考查其情绪智力分布及与工作绩效的关系 ,建立回归模型 。结果 临床护士情绪智力总分 5. 04 ± 0. 66 ,工作绩效总分 2. 90 ± 0. 51 ;年龄 、职称对工作绩效有显著影响 (均 P 0. 05) ;情绪智力各维度与工作绩效呈显著正相关 (均 P 0. 01) ;情绪智力 4 个维度是工作绩效的影响因素 (均 P 0. 01) 。结论 临床护士具有较高情绪智力 ,工作绩效水平一般 ,情绪智力越高工作绩效越 好 。护理管理者应采取措施提高护士的情绪智力 ,从而提高其工作绩效 。 关键词 :临床护士 ;  情绪智力 ;  工作绩效 ;  影响因素 ;  相关性分析 中图分类号 :R47 ;C931. 3  文献标识码 :A  文章编号 :100124152 (2010) 2220069203  DOI:10. 3870/ hlxzz. 2010. 22. 069 Relationship between clinical nursing staff′emotional intelligence and their job performance ∥Zhang Lei , L iu Kun , Zhang L in , Zhou Xiu2 xiu , Xie J iemei , L ou Wei , S un Xiaojing ∥( College of N ursing , L iaoning Medical University , J inz hou 121001 , China ) Abstract : Objective To understand the status quo of clinical nurses′emotional intelligence and their job performance , to explore the relationship between them , and to provide information for improving nurses′job performance. Methods A total of 359 clinical nur2 ses were investigated by using Wong′s Emotional Intelligence Scale ( WEIS) and Schwirian′s Six Dimension Scale ( Six2D Scale) . Nurses′emotional intelligence and their job performance were described and the regression module for them was built. Results The clinical nurses scored 5. 04 ± 0. 66 in WEIS and 2. 90 ± 0. 51 in job performance. Age and professional title had a great impact on job performance ( P 0. 05 for all) . A


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