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()2008 1029 10 367 ① ② ③ ③ 李 军  杨秀兰  张 伟  李 智 :人工神经网络是人工智能的一种形式。近年来, 它被广泛用于临 医学的疾病筛查、诊断以及预后预测等多方面。 人工神经网络能否取代临 医师的诊断工作, 它在临 医学中扮演何种角色, 这是 一个有意思的话题。本文将从人工神 经网络及其医学诊断的原理入手, 探讨人工神经网络医学诊断的本质、社会问题等。 :人工神经网络, 医学诊断, 本质, 社会问题 :R-02  :A  :1002-0772(2008)10-0060-03 Reflection on the Application of Artif icial Neural Netw ork in Clini c Medical Di agnosis  L I J un, Y A N G X iu-lan , Z H A N G Wei, et a l .S chool of Mechan ics and Ma ter ia ls E ng in eer ing, J iuj iang Co lleg e, J i uj iang 332005, Ch ina Abstract:Artificial neural network isone forms of artificial intelligence.Artificial neural network has been used in disease screening, diagnosis and prognosis forecast. ill artificial neural network take the place of doctor in clinic diagnosis? hich kind of role will artificial neural network play in clinic medicine?All of these are interesting topic.This paper will introduce the principle of artificial neural network in clinic medical diagnosis, and then investigate the essence and social problem on the application of artificial neural network in clinicmedical diagnosis. Key Words:artificial neural network, medical diagnosis, essence, social problem   , , 。 。——— 20 40, 、、 , , 。 20 “”。, [1] , , 。 , 、 BP , [2] , ART 。 。 , 。“ , [3] [4] ” 。、 , , , 。, “”, , 。 。 ,


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