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《护理英语》试卷 第  PAGE 8 页 共 7页 请将年级、专业、姓名、学号写在左边的斜线内 长春医学高等专科学校 2009级高职护理(英语加强)专业《护理英语》试卷 题号ⅠⅡⅢIV总分得分教师 得分 ⅠMatching(共20分,每题1分) ⅰ Match the following words:(共15分,每题1分) 1. vein A 动 脉 2. rusty B 软 膏 3. tonsil C 静 脉 4. artery D 感 染 5. rabies E 狂犬病 6. sterile F 扁桃腺 7. tetanus G. 无菌的 8. surgeon H 生锈的 9. infection I 破伤风 10. ointment J 外科手术 ⅱMatch the following phrases:(共10分,每题1分) 11. affiliated hospital A 药 房 12. Registration office B 儿 科 13. The immune system C 神经科 14. The digestive system D 挂号处 15. Pharmacy dispensary E 创伤科 16. The endocrine system F 免疫系统 17. The respiratory system G 消化系统 18. Department of pediatrics H 呼吸系统 19. Department of neurology I 附属医院 20. Department of traumatology J 内分泌系统 得分 II. Reading Comprehension:(共计20分,每题2分) Directions: In this part, you will go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Passage A First Aid for Wounds It is very important for a nurse to recognize and treat many types of wounds in order to help physician to cure the patient. That is to say, a nurse must know to evaluate the situation and respond when she faces up an accident with wounds. A wound caused by friction usually shows an abrasion of the epidermis with dots of blood and the presence of foreign substance such as dirt or gravel. We often call the wound scrape. First aid is to clean the abrasion carefully with soap and water, then apply an antiseptic solution or ointment, and covers it with a dressing. If the scrape results from the contact with unusually rusty and dirt object, as a nurse you’d better give patient an injection of tetanus toxoid or antitoxin. A wound caused by a sharp object which leaves a clear cut is called an incision. If the cut is deep, sutures may be needed. If the cut is shallow, the n


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