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2 2 2 2 · 067 · 中国矫形外科杂志  2003 年 6 月第 11 卷第 11 期  Orthop J Chin , Vol. 11 ,No. 11 J une 2003 ·论 著· 髌腱复合体重建创伤性前后交叉韧带 朱本科  刘 超 郑遵成   摘 要 目的2 :为了评价髌腱复合体 (带骨块的髌韧带 ,即骨 —髌腱 —骨) 对前后交叉韧带断裂后重建的手术疗效 。 方法 :1995~2001 年 ,收治 32 例前后交叉韧带损伤的患者给予髌腱复合体重建术 。结果 :所有病人患膝关节稳定性明 显增强 ,术后抽屉试验全部阴性 。结论 :带骨块的髌韧带具有强抗牵拉力 ,固定可靠 ,等长重建 ,功能改善明显等优点 。 髌腱复合体是理想的前后交叉韧带替代材料 。 关键词  交叉韧带 ;  重建术 ;  髌腱复合体 中图分类号  R686. 5    文献标识码  A    文章编号  1005 - 8478(2003) 11 - 0760 - 03 Reconstruction of Cruciate Ligament Injury by Patellar Tendon Complex ∥ZHU Ben ke , L IU Chao , ZHEN G Zun cheng. Department of Orthopaedics , Disabled Soldiers Hospital , Taian , S handong Province 271000 Abstract  Objective : To evaluate the effects of reconstruction of the anterior and theposterior cruciate ligament by patellar tendon complex(patellar ligament with bone block , i. e. bone patellar tendon bone) . Methods : From 1995 to 2001 , 32 patients with cruciate ligament injury were treated with reconstruction of patellar tendon complex. Results : The stability of all patients knees are remarkably improved , and all drawer tests are negative after surgery. Conclutions : Patellar ligament with bone have many virtures of hard extensibility , credible fixation , isometric reconstruction , and can improve function of knee joint. Patellar tendon complex is an ideal material to substitude the anterior and the posterior cruciate ligament. Key words  Cruciate ligament ;  Reconstruction ;  Pa


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