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  第 21卷第 3期 中国医学伦理学 Vol. 21 No. 3 2008年 6月 Chinese Medical Ethics Jun. 2008 口腔医疗行为中的核心伦理准则 吴正一 ,张志愿 (上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔颌面外科 ,上海 , 200011) 〔摘要 〕牙科伦理行为是促进口腔健康服务与提高口腔职业意识的重要因素。通过分析北美牙科医师和口腔卫生师的伦 理行为准则的基础上 ,结合国内现状 ,首次提出了尊重病人自主性、严守病人私密、秉持社会诚信、不伤害病人、让病人受益、公 正对待病人、实事求是、忠诚于病人、家长式关爱病人和以最大效用平衡行为等口腔医疗行为中的 10个核心伦理准则。这对于 推动我国口腔伦理道德标准的规范化管理具有积极促进作用。 〔关键词 〕牙科伦理行为 ;伦理准则 〔中图分类号 〕R - 052   〔文献标识码 〕A   〔文章编号 〕1001 - 8565 (2008) 03 - 0101 - 03 Core Va lues of the Code of Eth ics in Practice D en tistry W u Zhengyi, Zhang Zhiyuan (D epartm ent of O ral and M axillofacial Surgery of Shanghai N inth People’s Hospital affiliated to M edical School of Shanghai J iaotong U niversity, Shanghai, 200011) Abstract: The ethical behavior of dentists is one of the most important factors in the p romotion of quality dental care and recognition of dentists as p rofessionals. This paper first p rovided the Code of Ethics of the Dental Practice identifies ten core values on the basis of the Code of Ethics of the North American Dentist and Dental Hygienists’ A ssociation combined with the analysis of Chinese stomatological p ractice. The core values are autonomy, confidentiality, social trust, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, veracity, fidelity, paternalism, and utility. They may p romote the development of the standard management of the ethical behavior of Chinese dentists. Key words: Ethical behavior of dentistry; Code of ethics   我国口腔医学 , 1993年起才开始施行对大学毕业后


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