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第 30 卷 第 1 期 经 济 林 研 究 Vol. 30 No.1
2012 年 3 月 Nonwood Forest Research Mar. 2012
(中南林业科技大学 林学院 , 湖南 长沙 410004)
摘 要: 集体林权制度改革是我国林业生产地区生产力大解放的需要,将会极大地调动林农的生产积极性。现
关键词: 经济林;集体林权制度;林权制度改革;产业化建设
中国分类号: S759.3 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1003—8981(2012)01—0151—04
The opportunities of reform in the tenure system of collective forest for
speeding up industrialization of nonwood product forest crops in China
ZHANG Ri-qing
(College of Forestry, Central South University of Forestry Technology, Changsha 410004, Hunan , China)
Abstract: Reform in the tenure system of collective forest in China has stimulated a new round of emancipation of the
productive forces in the rural areas, and the enthusiasm of the farmers to engage themselves in forestry production is
experiencing an unprecedented increase, giving rise to the role that nonwood forest crop industrialization can play in
enhancing rural socioeconomic development. Advantages of policy input generated by the reform such as the transfer
of land use rights, forest property collateral loan, forest insurance, investment tax credit, and remission of stipulated
fees have encouraged farmers to recover their forestry practice emphasizing nonwood forest production. Technically
recommended are that proper trees should be used to suit the sites, and improved varieties should be exten