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虎豹別墅、必列啫士街街市及前粉嶺裁判法 院日後的用途已有定案。發展局於二月二十一 日宣布,第三期活化歷史建築伙伴計劃(活化 計劃)已選出三項建議。這三個項目完成後, 獲計劃資助進行活化的本港歷史建築將增至 十二幢。 政府於二零零八年推出活化計劃,旨在為 政 府擁有並適宜作活化再利用的歷史建 築提 供 資助 進行 活化。非 牟 利機 構 獲 邀 提交申請,以社會企業形式於建築物內提 供 服務或開辦 業務。擬參 與計劃 的 機 構 必 須提 交建 議 書,說 明如 何彰 顯 建築 物 的歷史價值、確保社會企業財政健全、令 社會受惠等。 第三期活化計劃的項目預計在施工期內可創造 約410個職位,並預期於二零一六年及二零一 七年開始營運時再創造約140個全職及兼職職 位。發展局局長陳茂波表示:「『活化計劃』第 一期歷史建築中的四個項目已經開始營運,並 受巿民普遍歡迎。隨著這些項目的落成啟用,市 民可更多親身觀賞和使用歷史建築,從而提高 對保育及活化古蹟的意識,日後會更懂得愛惜 及保護歷史建築物。」 Issue No.29 March 2013 Creative Proposals Selected under Batch III of Revitalisation Scheme The future use of Haw Par Mansion, the Bridges Street Market and the Former Fanling Magistracy has been determined. On 21 February, the Development Bureau announced that three proposals were selected for Batch III of the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (“Revitalisation Scheme”). By the time the three projects are completed, the scheme will have supported the revitalisation of 12 historic buildings across Hong Kong. The Revitalisation Scheme started back in 2008. It provides financial support for the revitalisation of historic buildings that are owned by the government and considered suitable for adaptive re-use. Non-profit-making organisations are invited to apply for setting up services or business in the buildings using a social enterprise model. They must submit proposals to show that they can bring out the historic value of the buildings, ensure the financial viability of the social enterprise and deliver social benefits to the local community, etc. The Batch III projects are expected to create about 410 jobs during the renovation period, and about 140 full-time and part-time jobs once business has started. The projects will start operation in 2016 and 2017. “Four projects under Batch I of the Revitalisation Scheme have started operation and they are generally welcomed by the public,” said Mr. Paul Chan, Secretary for Development. “With the opening of the new projects, we n



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