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特呈岛3种生境条件下白骨壤天然林的生长与树冠特征基金项目:广东自然科学基金(10152408801000021)、广东省科技厅科技计划项目(2008A030203007)。 作者简介:周元满(1968—),女,湖南岳阳人,硕士,副教授,主要从事森林培育研究。 * 通讯作者 周元满 王平 黄剑坚 徐明辉 韩维栋* (广东海洋大学农学院,广东 湛江 524088) 摘要:本文章以湛江特呈岛高潮带、中潮带、低潮带白骨壤纯林为研究对象,调查了其树高、地径、冠长、冠幅以及分枝角度等,揭示了其生长及树冠特征。结果表明:不同潮带间白骨壤冠幅及树冠面积差异不显著(P>0.05),而树高、地径、冠长及树冠体积均存在显著差异 (P<0.05),中潮带、高潮带与低潮带的树冠体积分别达31.522,m3、15.794, m3、14.446 m3;树冠体积与树高、冠长、冠幅间均存在显著正相关,树冠体积与地径仅在中潮带呈显著正相关,而在高、低潮带其相关性不显著;一级分枝角度与二级分枝角度的频率分布格局均服从正态分布,其中一级分枝角度分布频率的峰值在61-80°,而二级分枝角度的峰值出现在41°-60°。 关键词:特呈岛;白骨壤;树冠;结构特征 Growth Performance and Crown Characteristics of Aviccenia Marina Natural Forest at Three Sites in Techeng Island Zhou Yuan-Man Wang Ping Huang Jian-Jian Xu Ming-Hui Han Wei-Dong (Agriculture College of Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524088,China) Abstract: Height, stem diameter, crown length and diameter, and branch angle of Aviccenia Marina were surveyed at three sites such as high-tide belt, mid-tide belt, low-tide belt in Techeng Island Zhanjiang, and their growth performance and crown characteristics were compared. The results showed that there was no significant difference of crown diameter and crown area while significant difference of height, stem diameter, crown length and crown volume among the three sites; the crown volumes of mid-tide belt, high-tide belt, low-tide belt were 31.522m3, 15.794 m3, 14.446 m3, respectively; the crown volume were remarkably correlated with tree height, crown length and crown diameter at all three sites, while significant positive correlation between crown volume and stem diameter was only revealed at mid-tide belt; the frequencies of branch angle accorded with normal distribution, their peak value occurred between 61 and 80 degree for level 1 branches, and between 41 and 60 degree for level 2 branches. Key words: Techeng Island, Aviccenia Marina; Branch angle; Crown, Characteristics; Growth performance; Techeng Island 红树林生态系统处于海洋与陆地的动态交界面,周期性遭到海水浸淹,使其在结构与功能上既不同于陆地的生态系统,也不同于海洋生态系统,是湿地资源的重要组成部分,是热带亚热带海岸的生态关键区,


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