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烏賊(cuttlefish)、魷魚(squid, calamary)、
鎖管(squid)、章魚(octopus)、透抽(neritic squid)等。
水母(jellyfish)、海參(sea cucumber)、
海膽(urchin)、海綿 (sponge)、珊瑚(corallium)、
海綿(sponge)、水螅(hydras)等。;魷魚squid;The majority of squid are no more than 60 cm long, although the giant squid may reach 13 m in length. In 2003 a large specimen of an abundant but poorly understood species, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni (the Colossal Squid) was discovered. This species may grow to 14 m in length, making it the largest invertebrate. It also possesses the largest eyes in the animal kingdom. Giant squids are featured in literature and folklore, with a frightening connotation. The Kraken is a legendary tentacled monster possibly based on sightings of real giant squids. A Colossal Squid, weighing 495 kg and about 10 meters long, was caught by a New Zealand fishing vessel off the coast of Antarctica in February 2007. ;玄妙微鰭烏賊;萊氏擬烏賊
Sepioteuthis lessoniana;西伯加槍魷魚
Uroteuthis sibogae
(Photololigo sibogae);耳烏賊;烏賊cuttlefish;Cuttlefish average 30 cm long and live for only about 18 months. They are nocturnal animals that feed at night using tentacles, and keep hidden during the day. Cuttlefish eat small fish, crab and shrimp. The cuttlefish is also chameleon-like because they too can change colors to match their surroundings and hide from predators. ;棘邊烏賊;橙邊烏賊;螢烏賊;經常食用之烏賊類—軟薯與花枝(台語);玄妙微鰭烏賊;章魚octopus;章魚octopus;眞章魚;短章魚
;刺參(仿刺參);The sea cucumber is an echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea, with an elongated body and leathery skin, which is found on the sea floor worldwide. It is so named because of its cucumber-like shape. Like all echinoderms, sea cucumbers have an endoskeleton just below the skin, but this can actually be absent in some species.
Sea cucumbers are generally scavengers, feeding on debris in the benthic layer. (There are only a few exceptions to this, most notably a few pelagic cucumbers and the species Rynkatropa parson, which has a commensal relationship with deep-sea
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