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PAGE  PAGE - 58 - 摘 要(概述) 供热厂从建厂以来,水处理工艺较简单,工艺处理是工业水经机械过滤器过滤后,进入阳离子交换器除掉水中的钙、镁、钠、铁等阳离子,然后进入除碳器内除掉水中CO2,再由脱碳水泵送至阴离子交换器内,除掉水中的硫酸根、氯根等阴离子,制成合格的脱盐水送入脱盐水罐内。现通过这几年的生产实际情况来看,工艺已老化,有诸多地方有待改进,如遇天气冷、原水水质差及锅炉对水质要求的提高等等。在此种工艺程度上来说相对消耗会增加很多,所以我觉得我厂有必要改进工艺流程处理,使用现在更先进的水处理方法混床除盐水处理。 混床除盐水处理系统装置预设三套,即对原一级除盐水深度处理,处理水量在140T/h,设计中结合原一级除盐水系统,将新增原水深度预处理、换热器、二级深度除盐系统等装置,并合理确定工艺设计,统筹规划,精心计算,使混床出水水质不仅达到国家标准,而且要随时适应本厂锅炉水质要求。使Na+、除盐水电导率等重要指标大大低于原一级除盐水出水水质,大大提高现阶段水质要求下阳、阴床的使用周期,从而达到节约用水的目的。 主要设计范围及原则 1、进入除盐水站的水源为地表水,水质按用户提供的水质分析报告进行设计计算,其变化系数K≤1.2; 2、除盐水处理设施具有较大的适应性、应急性,以满足水质、水量的变化,并考虑在突发或事故状态下的各种应急用水; 3、采用工艺具有可靠性、运行稳定、运转费用低、管理维护量小。 关键词:预处理、混床、除盐水、再生、电导率 2013年5月 Abstract (summary) Heating plant from the plant, water treatment process is simple, processing industrial mechanical filter, water filter, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron ion into the cation exchanger to remove water, then into the removal of carbon in the water is removed by CO2, decarbonization pump to anion exchanger, sulfate, chloride anions from water, make the qualified desalted water into the demineralized water tank. Through the actual production situation in recent years, technology has been aging, there are many places to be improved, such as weather cold, raw water and boiler water requirement is increased and so on. In the process of extent relative consumption will increase a lot, so I think I plant it is necessary to improve the process, the use of water is now more advanced treatment methods: mixed bed desalting water treatment. Mixed bed demineralized water treatment system device preset three sets, that is the original primary desalted water depth processing, processing of water in the 140T/h, the primary desalting system combining design, will add water depth of pretreatment, heat exchanger, two levels deep desalting system device, and determine reasonable process design, overall planning, careful calculation, the water quality of the effluent is mixed bed not only reached the national standard, but also nee


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