
计算机专业 优秀毕业设计 基于ZigBee无线网络的智能公交站牌系统.doc

计算机专业 优秀毕业设计 基于ZigBee无线网络的智能公交站牌系统.doc

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计算机专业 优秀毕业设计 基于ZigBee无线网络的智能公交站牌系统

2010届本科生毕业设计 PAGE  PAGE 53 基于ZigBee无线网络的智能公交站牌系统 摘 要 城市的发展日新月异,随着许多新建小区大量出现,公交线路也日渐增多,给人们的出行带来了极大便利的同时,也给人们如何选择出行乘车线路造成一定的困难,特别是在旅游城市尤其如此。因此,开发智能化的公交站牌系统非常必要,它不仅可以给市民游客的乘车提供向导,同时可以对外展现城市的现代风貌,体现出一个城市公交信息数字化和信息化的发展水平。 基于ZigBee无线网络的智能公交站牌系统作为一个有实际意义的嵌入式电子产品,也是很多公共场所的必备产品,用途十分广泛。智能公交站牌系统能帮助人们方便查询公交线路,提供许多当地的旅游指南,给乘客带来了极其方便,满足了人们生活的需求。本人所开发的“基于ZigBee无线网络的智能公交站牌系统” 通过在UP-TECHPXA270-S硬件平台上移植Linux 2.6.9 内核的操作系统,使用Qt4编程语言来开发智能公交站牌系统相关应用层软件,实现了公交查询的完整功能,公车到站提醒报站系统,同时具有音视频播放、IC卡查询、旅游导航等功能,还可以查看近日的天气情况。 本文论述了设计开发基于ZigBee无线网络的智能公交站牌系统在Linux平台上的完整实现方案。 关键词: 嵌入式Linux 智能公交站牌系统 ZigBee QT Intelligent Bus Nameboard System based on Zigbee ABSTRACT The rapid development of the city, with many new community copious, bus lines also grows, people travel has brought about tremendous convenience at the same time, also how to choose a trip by bus line caused certain difficulties, particularly in tourist areas. Therefore, the development of intelligent bus transit system is essential, not only to public visitors travelling provides Wizard, at the same time can reveal the citys modern style, reflect an urban public transport information in electronic and information technology to the level of development. Based on ZigBee wireless network of intelligent public transport operating system as a practical embedded electronics, too many public places of essential products, uses. Smart bus transit system will help people easily query bus lines, provides a number of local tourism guide, giving passengers a tremendous convenience to meet the needs of peoples lives. I have developed based on ZigBee wireless network operating system for smart bus by UP-TECHPXA270-S hardware platform Porting Linux 2.6.9 kernel of the operating system, use the Qt4 programming language to develop smart bus transit system related application layer software, enable the full functionality of transit query, the bus to stop alerting systems, both audio and video playback, IC card queries, tourism navigation capabiliti


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