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Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 1 indeed, there are a few perks to working here 1. indeed ɪnˈdiːd 的确,在这里工作会有一些福利you are indeed clever 你确实聪明 the eyes are the window to the soul 眼睛是心灵 2. soul səʊl 的窗户 not a soul in sight 看不到任何人their music lacked soul 他们的音乐缺乏灵魂 harmony between body and spirit 躯壳和灵魂 的和谐a spirit haunts the island 一个鬼在岛上 3. spirit ˈspɪrɪt 出没she was in good spirits when I left 我离开 时她的情绪很好he drinks spirits 他喝烈酒 there is a lake beyond the trees 树林后面有个 湖泊inflation beyond 10 percent 超过百分之十 4. beyond bɪˈjɒnd 的通货膨胀率little beyond food was provided 除了食物之外,提供得很少 he didnt charge much 他收费收得少 the fee will be charged to your account 费用会从你的 账户扣除 two men were charged with theft 两 个男人被指控为盗窃罪 we charged into the 5. charge ʧɑːʤ crowd 我们冲入人群中 all customers pay a charge 所有的顾客都要付一笔费用 I need to charge my phone 我需要给手机充电 Im in charge of museum security 我负责博物馆的保 卫工作 there are various styles to choose from 有多种 6. various ˈveərɪəs


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