2007 中国体育科技.pdf

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2007 中国体育科技.pdf

: 1002- 9826( 2007) 03- 007 1-06 2007 ( 43 ) 3 CH IN A S PO RT SCIEN CE A N D T ECH N OL O G Y V ol 43, N o 3, 7 1- 76, 2007 抗阻训练运动处方研究进展 Research Advancement on Exercise Prescription of Ant-i Resistance Training 1 2 3 4 , , , 1 2 3 4 WA N G L i , M A R ong , M A Guo- dong , LIU Sh an- yun : 抗阻训练作为全面身体锻炼的一部分, 可以显著增长肌肉力量和体积及发挥 性病防 治作用抗阻训练运动处方的内容主要包括训练强度组数频率方式顺序间歇时间肌肉 收缩速度和训练量等方面根据运动人群和运动目的不同, 其中每 一方面都可以制定出多种不 同处方方案正确合理的处方制定和使用涉及到不同的运动效果, 对于专业运动人群和普通大 众合理科学地安排运动和锻炼十分有必要 : 抗阻训练; 运动处方; 肌肉体积; 力量; 研究进展; 综述 Abstract:A s an integr al par t of physical exer cise, ant-i r esistance tr aining can increase skeletal mu scle st rength and volum e as w ell as prev ent and cur e chronic diseases T he ex ercise prescrip- tion f or anti- resistance tr aining m ainly con sist s o f t raining inten sity , set s, fr equ ency, m anner , sub- sequence, rest p eriod, speed of muscle contraction and training v olum e Dif f er ent p eople and dif- f erent purpose m ay influence the ex ercise pr escr iptio n It is necessary to ar range prop er and scien- tif ic tr aining pro gr am f o r athletes and common p eo ple and every f acto r in the pr escr iption can in- flu ence tr aining eff ect s Key words: ant i-r esistance tr ain ing ; ex er cis e p rescr ip t ion; m uscle v o lume; s


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