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PAGE  1-PAGE 7 海事管理专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Maritime Administration 一、业务培养目标 Ⅰ Educational Objectives 本专业培养具备海事管理业务、航海技术、航运业务与海事法律等方面较宽的理论和基本技能,能在海事管理机构、港航企事业单位、航海教育与培训机构从事海事管理、港航管理、航运业务与法律、教学培训等工作的高级工程技术和管理人才。 This program aims at training advanced talents with engineering technology and management who have solid theoretical foundation and basic skills in aspects of maritime administration services, navigation technology as well as shipping business and maritime laws. They are competent to engage in fields of maritime administration, port and shipping management, shipping business and laws, maritime education and training in maritime administration authorities, port and shipping enterprises and institutions, maritime education and training institutes. 二、业务培养要求 Ⅱ Educational Requirements 本专业学生主要学习水上交通安全管理、航海技术、港口与航道工程、航运业务与海事法律、船舶与港口防污染的基本理论和基本知识,接受水上安全保障、船舶驾驶、海员基本训练、海事行政的基本技能训练,掌握现代海事安全管理理论技术、航海和法律知识,从事水上交通安全保障、港航管理、传播营运和海事法律业务的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.掌握水上交通安全管理与保障的理论和技术; 2.掌握船舶驾驶与管理的基本知识和技能; 3.掌握航运企业营运管理知识; 4.掌握港口与航道工程及管理的基本知识; 5.掌握船舶与港口防污染的基础理论和技术; 6.熟悉国际海事公约和规则以及我国海事法规; 7.熟悉远洋运输业务、船舶与货运代理、海上保险、海事诉讼与仲裁基础知识; 8.了解海事管理学科的理论前沿、应用前景和发展动态; 9.具有初步的科学研究能力。 Students of this program are required to acquire basic theories and knowledge of maritime traffic safety management, navigation technology, port and fairway engineering, shipping business and maritime laws, prevention of pollution from ships and ports; receive basic skill training concerning maritime safety guarantee, ship maneuvering, basic safety training for seafarers and maritime administration; master modern theory and technology of maritime safety management, knowledge of navigation and maritime laws. They are capable of jobs in fields of maritime traffic safety guarantee, port management, shipping business as well as maritime law affairs. The graduates are also required to acquire the knowledge or abilities as follows: 1. Mastering theories and technologies of maritime traffic safety mana


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