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Ⅳ. 听短文,回答问题。(短文及问题念两遍) 9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________ 11. _________________________________ 80 to 112 words. On October 15, 1997. Reading and writing. Ⅴ. 看图说话,请用英语描述下图。要求六句话以上。 Saturday * 第二版 语法透视 疑问代词 who whose 【热身训练1】 Ⅰ. 用who和whose填空。 1. — ________ classroom is on the fifth floor? — Susan’s. 2. — ________ is on duty today? — I am. Whose Who 3. — ________ shirt is this? — It’s his. 4. — ________ will carry it with me? — Peter will. 5. — ________ is that lady over there? — She’s Sandy’s mother. Who Whose Who Ⅱ. 对划线部分提问。 1. Simon left the house. _________________________________ 2. Peter is my brother’s friend. _________________________________ 3. That beautiful house is hers. _________________________________ 4. They are his children. _________________________________ Who are they? Who left the house? Whose friend is Peter? Whose is that beautiful house? 【融会贯通】 ■ 疑问代词who 考点1 who意为“谁”,对姓名或与某人的 关系进行提问。如: — Who is he? — He is John. (问姓名) — Who is she? — She is our teacher. (问关系) 考点2 用who提问时,问句的谓语动词常 用单数。如: Who isn’t at school today? 今天谁没到校? Who likes watching TV best in your class? 你们班谁最喜欢看电视? 考点3 作宾语时,who可以替代whom。 如: — Whom is your mother talking to? (这里whom可以换成who) — Her workmate. ■ 疑问代词whose 考点1 whose意为“谁的”, 对句子中的物主 代词或名词所有格提问。有两种句式结构: ★ 针对形容词性物主代词或名词所有格 提问时,用“Whose +名词+一般疑问句?” 结构。如: It’s my shirt. →Whose shirt is it? This is Peter’s bag. →Whose bag is this? ★ 针对名词性物主代词或名词所有格提 问时,用“Whose +一般疑问句?”结构 如:The shirt is mine. →Whose is the shirt? The book is Stella’s. →Whose is the book? 考点2 whose 与 who’s 的区别 whose与who’s同音,都读作/hu?z/。whose是who的所有格形式,意为“谁的”;而who’s是who is的缩略形式,意为“谁是”。如: Who’s the girl standing outside the door? 站在门外的女孩是谁? Whose pen is that on the desk? 桌上的钢笔是谁的? 替代词 one, ones 【热身训练2】 Ⅰ. 用one, ones 或 it 填空。 1. She bought a new book and then gave ________ to me. 2. There are many bananas in the basket. I want large _______, not small _______. 3. The film is not so g


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