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填空题(2) 动词填空(2) v. + v. :v. → to do / doing (doing居多,但注意动词mean / be used to) prep. + v. :v. → doing the + v. :v. → n. adj. + v. :v. → n. / adv. ~, v. :v. → 分词 ~, only + v. : v. → to do (不料…) (when) + v. , ~. v. → 分词 v. + what等特殊疑问词 + v. :v. → to do 填空题(3) 其它 adj. + n. / adv. adj. + n. adj. → 比较级(than / next time 等) here 等方向副词 方向副词(here, there, out, in, up, off, down, away, back等)放到句首。 位移动词:go, come, run, rush等。 主语必须是名词。 Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。 There goes the bell. 铃声响了。 Down came the rain. 雨落了下来。 Out rushed a tiger from the wood. 忽然从林子里冲出一只老虎。 in 等介词表示的地点状语 注意:这种倒装句的主语必须是名词。 In the center of the hall stands a white piano. 在大厅的中央立着一台白色的钢琴。 Under the bed lies a sleeping cat. 床铺底下躺着一只正在睡觉的猫。 Among them was a soldier who was wounded in the shoulder. 在他们当中有一个肩部受伤的士兵。 so 或 nor 等表示类推概念 用so或nor表示“我也(不)这样”一类概念时,常用以下结构: 肯定:so + 助动词/ 情态动词 + 主语 否定:nor/ neither + 助动词/ 情态动词 + 主语 He has visited the museum. ―So have I. 他已经参观了博物馆,-我也参观了。 The boy can’t skate. -Nor can his brother. (Neither can his brother.) 那男孩不会滑冰。-他的兄弟也不会。 注意:如果so不是表示“我也...”而是表示“的确如此”则不能倒装。 John won first prize in the contest. -So he did. 约翰在比赛中赢得一等奖。的确如此。 -It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. -My God! So I did -你真不小心整个晚上把衣服搁在外面。 -天哪!果真如此。 so...that so在句首修饰形容词或副词表示强调时,主句要用倒装语序,后面以that引导的结果状语从句采用自然语序。 So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it. 这个湖太浅了,鱼无法在这里存活。 So loudly did he speak that people upstairs could hear him. 他说话太大声以致楼上的人都能听见。 only + 介词短语作状语 only所强调的方式、条件、时间状语等位于句首时,采用部分倒装。 Only by taking a taxi can you arrive there on time. 你只有打的才能按时到达。 Only in this way can you make progress in English. 只有采用这个办法你才能在英语方面取得进步。 Only when she came home did he learn the news. 只有当她回到家中他才知道这个消息。 注意:如果only修饰的不是状语而是主语,不能倒装。 Only his mother was invited. 只有他的妈妈受到邀请。 not 等表示否定意义的词 为了强调句子中的否定状语,常将其置于句首,通常采用部分倒装。 副词:few, little, never, not, nowhere, rarely, seldom 连词:no sooner...than, hardly/scarcely/barely...when, not until, not only...but also 短语:at no


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