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Unit 3 Wordsexpressions 1. bring up a) 抚养,教育,培养(sb.) e.g. Her parents died and she was by her grandma. 2. scene 场面景色(戏剧)一场/现场 a)on the scene 在现场 事发后不久,记者就感到了现场。 Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident. at the scene of... 在...现场 b)behind the scenes 在后台,在幕后 political deals behind the scenes 3. make/have a bet on sth. with sb. 与某人打赌某事 e.g. Shall we make a bet on the winner of the game? 4. permit = allow 允许,许可 permit sb. to do sth. permit doing sth. sb. be permitted to do sth. No school students in the exams. We don’t here.(允许抽烟) = Smoking here. Students football in the classroom. If weather ,we will go. = Weather ,we will go. 5. go ahead 进行,进展, e.g. In spite of the bad weather, the journey will . The building of the new gym will as planned. 6. by accident = by chance 反义:by design on purpose e.g. The driver ran into a lady but not . 7. stare at 凝视 stare at sb. up and down 上下打量某人 stare into the distance 凝视远方 stare (one) in the face 近在眼前 8. spotv.发现spot sb/sth spot sb doing /that… 认出 Did you him the office? He is very tall and can be easily in the crowd. 9. account for (=lead to)+结果 That the delay of the train. 那就是火车晚点的原因。 他因病缺课。 His illness his absence from school. 10. seek ( sought,sought) Vt. 寻找 seek a job 追求 seek fame 征求 seek sb’s advice 企图 seek to kill sb. 11. on the contrary正好相反 — Are you nearly through? __ , I’ve only just begun. 12. take a/the chance take chances We decided to with/on the weather and have the party outdoors. 我们决定与老天爷赌一把,


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