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7.in debt 负债,欠债 (1)在旧社会,许多农民负债累累。 In the old days,many peasants are ____________________. 提示 如果表示欠某人的债,后面加介词to。be in debt to sb. 欠某人的债。 联想 be in one’s debt 欠某人的情 be out of debt 还清债务(表状态) pay off debt 还清债务(表动作) get into debt in heavy debt (2)他现在有足够的钱来还清父亲尚未还清的债务。 He has enough money to ____________________ his father’s outstanding debts. (3)玛丽陷入债务中。 Mary was ____________________ debt. (4)你知道,我欠我父母的太多了。 You know,I am ____________________. pay off getting into in my parents’ debt 8.glare at 怒目而视 She glared at him accusingly.她用责备的眼光怒视着他。 辨析 glare at/stare at/gaze at 三者都有“凝视”的意思,但是用法不一样。 glare at指“怒视”,表示生气地盯着某人。 stare at表示“盯着看”,指由于惊奇、害怕、生气或沉思而 睁大眼睛全神贯注。 gaze at表示“凝视”,指由于有兴趣或惊讶或无意识地长时 间注视。 用上述短语的正确形式填空 (1)她惊异地注视着他。 She ________ him in amazement. (2)别盯着窗外看了,快干活吧。 Stop ________ out of the window and do some work. (3)他们停止了争论,互相怒目而视。 They stopped arguing and ________ each other. gazed at staring glared at * Unit 2 Healthy eating  漫 画 欣 赏 画 面 描 述 寓 意 理 解 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文? A man is feeding a chick.He puts all the nutritious food into the chick’s mouth,expecting his chick to grow fast.  In our life,many parents try to offer their children more than they need without considering whether their children can take in all this. 短文填空 请用适当的词填空,或者用所给词的适当形式填空。 Wang Peng felt very (frustrate) when he saw none of his customers would eat in his restaurant. ____ his opinion,nothing could be (good) than his fried rice,mutton kebabs,fatty pork or his (sugar) cola. When following one of his best friends into Yong Hui’s (new) opened restaurant,he was amazed at the menu there: raw vegetables,fruit and water. frustrated In better sugary newly In order to win his customers ,he went to the library to do some research, showed Yong Hui’s menu didn’t give the customers energy-giving food. In fact,there was (weak) in Wan


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