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数据精灵使用说明 Guideline for Data Angel 开发数据精灵的目的 Intention to develop Data Angel 充分挖掘最为盛行的套装办公软件MSOffice内嵌的VBA语言的潜能,大幅提高数据处理的效率和质量。 Maximize the utilization of the most popular MSOffice suite by VBA programming to facilitate data processing. 索取新版本及技术支持。For renewed edition and technique support, please contact: lly1126@ 特别声明 Declaration 数据精灵通用版/数据精灵专业版是精灵使者及课题组承担的国家质量监督检验检疫总局科研课题(2010IK234)的主要产出。精灵使者郑重承诺其代码不含有非正常用途。 The Generic/Professional Data Angel are the main output of the scientific research project of AQSIQ PRC (2010IK234). The developer states here there is no undeclared or illegal intention from the codes within. 软件开发中对文档或VBA代码的引用或改动等不含有降低评价的含义。 The modification or citation of the documents or VBA codes by the developer do not mean the downgrading or devaluing. 对这些文档及软件中引用的VBA代码的原创者的贡献表示谢意,并敬请谅解可能的考虑不周。 The developer greatly appreciates the contribution of the creators of those documents or VBA codes. 数据精灵通用版的特点 Explanation for Generic DA 目前版本仅适于自动从含有窗体域的Word文档导入数据到Excel中。 The current edition is limited to retrieve data by batch from *.Doc coded with form field. 窗体域文档已自动编码,省却手工编码环节,从而提高数据质量。 The *.Doc files will guarantee better data quality by auto-coding. 每小时可处理数千份文档(视配置和变量而定),能显著提高数据的收集速度。 Every hour may process thousands of documents (varied by PC speed and variable number). 几分钟即可掌握窗体域文档的制作方法。 It is possible to make a form field doc file in a few minutes. 数据与EpiData、SPSS兼容。 Compatible with EpiData and SPSS. 使用步骤:下载和解压 Steps: download and unzip 下载和解压“数据精灵”压缩包 Unzip the DA zipped file 如正常解压,应发现以下内容 You should find following: 使用设置及正常使用 Setting and routine use 数据精灵自动添加到菜单上 The Data Angel has been added to the Excel menu 注意事项 Notice 待导入的文档请拷贝到“Data”文件夹内,导入后要移走。 The file to be retrieved should be put in the filefolder “Data” first, then moved out after retrieving. “范例文档”内的部分文档可拷贝到“Data”文件夹内观察导入效果。 Parts of the files in the filefoder “Example” can be copied to filefoder “Data” to test DA. “数据”表第一列用于自动编码,第一行请根据导入内容做相应的改变。 The “Data” sheet: 1st column for


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