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摘要 随着我国经济的发展,人们对于文化素质的追去越来越高,他们对于自己及子女的音乐能力培养需求越发强烈,这成为琴行发展的一个机会。杭州百纳琴行拥有较好的地理位置,在近几年来发展迅猛,但是面临着越来越大的市场竞争,琴行传统的营销策略已不利于其发展,需要进行改进和完善。本文通过对琴行的营销策略现状进行分析,提出了其营销策略目前存在的问题及最后的改进完善对策,通过提出切实可行的营销策略,来提高百纳琴行的核心竞争力,使其能够健康长远的发展。通过采取价格策略、产品策略、事件营销策略、网络营销策略、促销策略及渠道策略,能够提高琴行的知名度,针对性吸引客源,最终建立相对忠实的客户群体,使得琴行能够获得更大的发展。 关键词:百纳琴行;市场营销;营销策略 Abstract With the development of our countrys economy, people are more and more high to the pursuit of cultural quality, their ability to train their own and their childrens music is more and more strong, which has become a chance to develop the piano. Hangzhou Baina music has a good geographical location, in recent years the rapid development, however it is confronted with more and more competition, music, traditional marketing strategy is not conducive to the development and need to be improved and perfected. In this paper, through the analysis of the status of the marketing strategy on the piano proposed problems existing in its marketing strategy and the improvement countermeasures, by presenting a practical marketing strategy, to improve the core competitiveness of Baina music, enable it to long-term healthy development. By taking the price strategy, product strategy, the event marketing strategy, network marketing strategy, promotion strategy and channel strategy, to enhance the visibility of music, to attract tourists, eventually to build a relatively faithful customer groups, the music can be obtained greater development. Keywords:Baina Piano;marketing; marketing strategy 目录 一、引言 1 (一)选题依据及研究意义 1 1、选题依据 1 2、研究意义 1 (二)研究思路和主要研究方法 2 1、研究思路 2 2、主要研究方法 3 二、营销策略相关理论 3 (一)营销策略的概念 3 1、市场营销的概念 3 2、营销策略的概念 4 (二)营销策略及其理论的发展历程 4 (三)营销策略的类型 5 1、4Ps营销策略组合 5 2、6Ps营销策略组合 5 3、11Ps营销策略组合 6 三、杭州百纳琴行营销策略现状分析 7 (一)杭州百纳琴行简介 7 1、琴行简介 7 2、客户群体的组成 7 3、琴行的销售情况 9 (二)杭州百纳琴行营销环境分析 10 (三)杭州百纳琴行营销策略现状分析 10 四、杭州百纳琴行营销策略存在的问题及原因分析 11 五、杭州百纳琴行营销策略的改善对策 12 (一)价格策略 13 (二)产品策略 13 (三)事件营销策略 14 (四)网络营销策略 15 (五)促销策略 15 (六)渠道策略 16 六、结束语 16 一、引言 (一)选题依据及研究意义 通过对表3-4及图3-1可以


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