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The Problems of College English
Listening Teaching
Abstract :Eoglisb listeoiog and speaking bas always beeo a weak link io Cbioese studeots Eoglisb learning ,wbicb form tbe dumb Eoglisb.
Tbis article will analyze tbe problems in college Englisb listening teacbing. Hoping it will draw teacbers attention.
Key words: proble时, college Eogli sb teacbiog , college Eogli sb li s teoiog
Eng lish listening and speaking has a lways been a ‘reak link in entertain class, even reluctant ly go to class. Study interes t lost
Chinese students Engl ish learning,由ich form t be • dumb English气 day by day.
I n order to change this phenom enon, the requirements of co l lege (b) The t ime for listening class i5 short . Al t hough the ministry
English teacbing in - student-centered- teacbing mode think we shou ld of education of college Er电l ish t eaching refol1l. has been carried out
pay attent豆。n to cultivate the students comprehensive app lication for a l ong time, many colleges also provide l anguage lab, mult豆media
abi lity, especially listening and speaking s k ills. It means t hat in and other advanced tools, in fact , the fre quent t ime for 1豆 stenlng
t he process of teaching, listening t eaching plays a vital ro1e in course is only o nc,e a week,宙hich caused the learning effect is not
the whole teaching process , however , it st ill exis t s prob l ems in ideal.
college Englisb listening teacbi吨. Tbis article will analyze the (c) Having listening c l ass in form of large c l ass. Since
prob lems in college English 1豆 stening teaching according to 町。wn enrollment expansion of co1leges and universiti白, the shortage of
t eaching experienc,e. I t listed
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