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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福阅读中关于否定信息题目的解答 想必大家之前已经了解过不少托福阅读技巧了,在托福考试阅读中 ,有一种否定信息题是一定会出现的,大家也应该常常见到,因为很多 英语考试中都有这类题目,而这种题目即使老出现,大家感觉也没有那 么顺畅的就能解答,还是会占去不少本身就不够的托福阅读考试时间。 下面就来介绍一下这类题目的应对方法。 首先我们来介绍一下否定信息题,Negative FactualInformation questions。这种题型的提问方式一般为: According to the passage,which of the followingis NOT true of X? The author’s description of X mentions all of thefollowing EXCEPT ? 托福阅读技 巧提到对于这种题首先要注意的是避免惯性思维的影响。在前面讲过的 所有题目当中,或者是平时大家的做题习惯当中,我们都是看到与原文 相符或者和原文一样的选项就选,但是到了这个题目,需要选择不属于 题干内容或者与原文相反的选项,这是需要注意的一点。 一般这种托福 考试阅读题目的定位范围都在原文的某一个或者两个 自然段 ,所以第一 步需要的就是根据题目大定位到某个 自然段 ,然后根据选项特征对应原 文进行选题,不要盲 目的查找耽误了托福阅读考试时间。我们来看一个 例题: Paragraph 7: The Cognitive Approach. Cognitive psychologists assert that  our behavior isinfluenced by our values, by the ways in which we interpret our  situations and by choice. Forexample, people who believe that aggression is  necessary and justified-as during wartime-arelikely to act aggressively, whereas  people who believe that a particular war or act ofaggression is unjust, or who  think that aggression is never justified, are less likely to  behaveaggressively. Paragraph 8: One cognitive theory suggests that aggravating and painful  events triggerunpleasant feelings. These feelings, inturn, can lead to  aggressive action, but notautomatically. Cognitive factors intervene. People  decide whether they will act aggressively ornot on the basis of factors such as  their experiences with aggression and their interpretationof other peoples  motives. Supporting evidence comes from research showing that aggressivepeople  often distort other peoples motives. For example, they assume that other people  meanthem harm when they do not. 9. According to the cognitive approach described in paragraphs 7 and 8, all  of thefollowing may influence the decision whether to act aggressively EXCEPT a  persons Moral values Previous experiences with aggression Instinct to avoid aggression Beliefs about other peoples


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