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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福口语之你想在团队活动中担任什么角色?-智课教 育旗下智课教育 本次智课教育小编要和大家分享的是一则托福口语备考建议,希望 这则材料可以帮助大家在托福口语考试中取得好成绩! 你想在团队活动中担任什么角色呢?是想作为领导者运筹帷幄还是 作为普通的一员,听从指挥呢?相信每个人都会有自己的想法。现在就 跟着智课教育小编一起来看看这则托福口语话题解析吧!希望这则托福口 语备考建议可以帮助大家在托福口语考试中取得好成绩! Do you prefer to be a leading or supporting member in a group project? 一. 思路扩展 每个人在团队中都有可能充当为领导者,其实各有利弊。本次小编 就从想成为领导者来展开论述。 首先,想作为领导必须自己对团队中做的这个项目有十分清醒的认 识 ,掌握的知识要十分的全面;其次做领导可以培养 自己的领导能力 ,对 于未来的职业生涯发展十分的重要;而且想做领导的人可能也不是愿意服 从别人命令的人,因为他们往往有更好的解决问题的思路。那么这些论 点该怎样用英语表达呢? Ø being a leader can have more control over the projects. Ø leadership is an indispensible skill for the future career. Ø I am not a person that is willing to follow the direction of others 二. 范文 From my perspective, I prefer to be a leading member in a group project. First of all, being a leader can have more control over the projects. For example, a leader are endowed with the right to decide when to have the group meeting, how to allocate the assignments and so forth. I like the feeling of being full of power. In addition, leadership is an indispensible skill that required for the future career. Usually, a company might expect its candidate to have the experience of being a leader or a president of some clubs. Finally, I am not a person that is willing to follow the direction of others. So, being a leader is definitely a better choice for me. 三. 词汇 1. from my perspective :在我看来 From my perspective, the smartphone will continue to enhance the connected home media experience. 2. be endowed with :被赋予;天生具有 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights holds all human beings to be created equal, born free and endowed with inalienable human rights. 3. so forth :等等 And then the ruling party claimed that the opposition was divided and so forth 4. allocate :vt. 分配;拨出 Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those


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