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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福口语如何讲述他人帮助你的经历 托福口语需要大量的积累和练习,其中托福口语真题起着至关重要 的作用,如果我们能在复习时多看一些有用的托福口语资料相信对于大 家一定很有帮助,下面就来介绍关于曾经你的家人或朋友如何帮助过你 的文章,希望对大家有帮助。 其中有一道托福口语题目是 Describe about when a time a friend or a family member helped you in the past. Describe how the person helped you then explain why this was important to you. 介绍关于曾经你的家人或朋友如何帮助过你 托福口语真题: Describe about when a time a friend or a family member helped you in the past. Describe how the person helped you then explain why this was important to you. 托福口语资料:优秀范文 I still remember when I took the TOEFL exam for the first time, my mark was awful, I totally lost confident in doing a good job on the test. My dad was the person that helped me through the tough time. First, instead of blaming or punishing me, he spent a lot of time to find out what my problems were and how I could improve. Next, he bought me many useful books to prepare for the test. There were many sample questions and useful sample responses in the books. Also, there were practice tests in the books that I could use to sharpen my skills. Because of his support, I’m confident that I can do a better job this time around. 上面就是介绍关于曾经你的家人或朋友如何帮助过你的托 福口语真题,以后大家会碰到各种各样的托福口语题目,大家要多参考 一些托福口语资料,总结出自己的模板,这样才能有效地提高分数。 智课教育新托福强化班: 【课程特色】 听说读写由资深新托福培训官 全程讲解 ,提供新托福考试各方面的方法和技巧 ,配备必威体育精装版最全的机考 模拟系统 ,课堂讲解深入、全面、细致 ,为学员提供全方位的辅导和实 时跟踪。精心打造每个学习细节 ,提供听说读写四个单项全面细致的讲 解 ,深入分析新托福考试真题,提供细致的解题方法和技巧。 【授课教材】 新托福考试官方指南 新托福考试全真试题(TPO) 内部讲义 【课程简介】 完成该课程之后,学生能够有效的完成托福各 科考试 ,能够清晰表达 自己的观点 ,准确地抓住听力和阅读要点。托福 考试达到95-115分。赠送全真模拟考试4课时 +名师点评4课时。 【适合人群】 高三、大学生 ,有一定英语基础 ,但较为薄弱学生 ,或者托福考试80-90分的学生;词汇量达到6500。


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