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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 教你花钱-托福独立口语解析-智课教育旗下智课教育 本次智课教育小编要和大家分享的是在托福独立口语解析,希望这 则备考资料可以帮助大家备考! 如果你有很多钱,你会把它捐出去做慈善吗?你会把钱捐给谁呢?是 慈善组织还是环境保护组织或者是动物保护组织呢?本次智课教育小编 就带着大家来看一下这则托福独立口语解析,希望这则独立口语解析可 以帮助大家在托福口语 考试中取得好成绩! Which one of the following would you donate your money to? Choose one, and explain how you would use the money: community charity, environment protection, animal rescue. 一.思路解析 其实这三个选哪一个选项都是合理的,只要选择一个角度进行阐释 即可。但是希望大家在选择的时候选择一个适合自己说的或者接近于自 己生活的角度来表达。本次小编将从环境问题来入手。最近的环境问题 越来越引起大家的注意 ,从北京的雾霾到柴静的穹顶之下,无不是在关 注着环境问题。现在的环境问题主要是很多人的环保意识不强 ,乱扔垃 圾;或者不懂得垃圾分类 ,水污染 ,土地污染等等。正因为有这么多的环 境问题,所以我要把钱投在环境问题上。 二.范文 If I could choose to donate money to any of them, I would like to donate money to environment protection and there are two ways I would like to spend the money. First, I will use the money to purchase more dustbins because nowadays most people have the awareness to protect our environment, but in places where there is no dustbins, people tend to choose convenience over the commitment of protecting the environment—to throw about their garbage. Thus I think adding more dustbins could relieve such a problem. Second, I’m considering to use the money to update the facilities in the factories so that the waste water coming from those factories would not be that harmful to our environment. 三.词汇 1. donate :vt. 捐赠;捐献 He frequently donates large sums to charity. 2. environment :n. 环境,外界 Students in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment. 3. purchase :vt. 购买;赢得 He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck. 4. dustbin :n. 垃圾箱;吃货 By 2020 prohibition will have been consigned to the policy dustbin, and replaced with government-regulated markets. 5. awareness :n. 意识 ,认识 The nonprofit has said it sells the bracelets to engage young people in breast cancer awareness 6. convenience :n. 便利; He was happy to make a detour f


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