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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福独立口语解析之朋友-智课教育旗下智课教育 在托福口语考试中关于朋友类的话题该怎样解决呢?下面就跟着智 课教育小编一起来看看这则托福口语备考素材吧! 每个人身边都有朋友,也许你的朋友已经陪伴你经过了你的整个青 春岁月,陪你经历了所有的喜怒哀乐。那么你还记得你们是怎么成为朋 友的吗?如果这则题目出现的托福独立口语考试中,我们又该怎样去描 述呢?下面就跟着智课教育小编一起来看看这则托福口语解析吧!希望可 以帮助大家在托福口语考试中取得好成绩! Describe a friend of yours. Explain how you become friends. Please include reasons and details in your response 一.思路解析 每个人认识朋友的途径可能都不一样,也许这个人是你的同学或者 是你的校友,又或者这个人是你父母的朋友家的孩子,又或者十分偶然 的,你们共同参加了一个项 目才熟悉。本次小编将从最后一个角度进行 阐释。 文章可以从认识这个朋友是因为曾经一起一起去支教,发现有很多 的共同语言 ,朋友身上有很多的优点。所以现在才会这么熟悉。 那么这些该怎样用英语来表达呢? Ø We were both sent to a rural area to teach English, began to realize that we have a lot in common, she told me a lot about herself. Ø a shoestring trip across South Asia in 2012, decided to visit New Zealand in 2013 Ø I admired her courage and possessed the same dream. 二.范文 I want to describe a friend named Zoe. We have known each other for a long time, but we didn’t become friend until a special project last year. We were both sent to a rural area to teach English, and we lived together. During that period of time, we began to realize that we have a lot in common, such as character and hobbies. She told me she had a shoestring trip across South Asia in 2012, through the trip she changed her view of life and decided to visit New Zealand in 2013, which she did indeed. I admired her courage and possessed the same dream. We don’t keep in contact every now and then, but we know each other very well. 三.词汇 1. shoestring :n. 鞋带;小额资本 The theatre will be run on a shoestring. 2. keep in contact :保持联系 There are too many people I want to keep in contact with, says Krieger 3. have … in common: 有共同之处 And something that you and I have in common is we both have small children. 4. Possess :vt. 控制;使掌握; He was then arrested and charged with possessing an offensive weapon. 四.例句 1.I want to


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