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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福口语如何介绍一个重要的地方 托福口语练习大家都会通过真题以及托福TPO等进行学习,下面就 在这里介绍几个托福TPO口语答案和题目,是关于一个对你来说最重要 的地方的话题,大家一起来看一看口语大概难度是如何的,在以后复习 时心里好有个数。 托福TPO口语题目 Question: Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation. 托福TPO口语答案解析: Tips 1. Choose to talk about a place you’re familiar with! 2. Where is it? 3. Who do you go to this place with? 4. What kind of activities do you do at this place? 5. How is this place special to you? For example: childhood memories? Special occasions? 托福口语TPO范文: The zoo is a place I go to often that is important to me for a couple of reasons. First of all, I love to learn about animals and nature. I find all the animals fascinating to look at, and I get to learn something new about them each time I visit the zoo. There are these tags in front of all the display about the animal inside, I like the fact that I can study the animals while being able to look at them up close. It?s way better than reading about them from a text book. Second, I like to take pictures of the animals. If you pay attention you can find all kinds of expressions on their face. For example, monkeys are almost as expressive as we are. I took many good pictures of monkey and will never get tired of taking more. 上面介绍了关于一个对你来说最重要的地方 的话题的托福口语TPO答案,相信大家能从中看出不少信息,大家在做 托福TPO的时候一定要多重复几遍,多研究一些问题和有用的信息,这 样才能让托福口语有所进步。 智课培训新托福考前冲刺班 【课程特色】 实战精讲,攻破难点,应试策略,考试回顾,题目预测。 【授课教材 】 新托福官方指南 新托福全真试题(TPO) 名师内部讲义 【课程简介】 听、说、读、写全面备考,考前最后冲刺辅导。 【适合人群 】 马上参加新托福考试的学生。


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