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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 新托福写作真经4test12-综合写作解析-智课教育旗下智 课教育 新托福写作真经4是在前三本书的基础上,更加系统地归纳托福写 作的常考题型。今天,智课教育小编和大分享的是托福写作真经4test1 2-综合写作的解析,希望大家能有所收获。 托福综合写作备考,需要注意的地方有以下几点:阅读部分的观点 以及论点论据;听力笔记符号的使用;听力部分的观点以及论点论据;托福 范文中可以用来作为模板的句子。接下来,智课教育小编就会通过这几 点和大家分享新托福写作真经4test12综合写作部分的内容,希望大家 可以通过这种方式,更好的攻克托福综合写作。 第一部分:阅读文本: At some point, the Earth’s supply of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas is going to be exhausted. Then, humans are going to have to rely upon alternative energy sources to supply their electric needs. One of the most promising types is solar energy. To begin with, solar energy does not harm the environment in ways that using coal or petroleum do. The burning of various fossil fuels releases contaminants into the atmosphere, which results in air pollution that can harm both the environment and also living organisms. Solar energy, on the other hand, is environmentally friendly. It does no harm to the environment or living organisms since it releases neither pollutants nor noxious materials. Solar energy is an inexhaustible source of energy. So long as the sun is shining, it can be utilized. Of course, solar energy cannot be accessed at night or when weather conditions are less than optimal, yet there are still several hours a day when the power of the sun can be harnessed. As technology steadily improves, ways to store solar energy will be discovered, which will enable people to have access to solar energy twenty-four hours a day. Finally, solar energy can be used from virtually anywhere on the planet. Most people are under the mistaken impression that it is viable only in hot deserts or places that receive little cloud cover. However, this is not true. People can rely on solar energy even in remote areas such as mountains and thick forests. If the sun’s rays can reach the solar panels, then people can create electricity from them. This makes sol


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