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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福阅读解题技巧--简化句子题-智课教育旗下智课教育 考生应该掌握的托福阅读解题技巧有哪些呢?在备考的过程中,又 应该从哪些方面入手呢?本次智课教育小编就来和大家分享一下! 托福阅读解题技巧--简化句子题 在托福阅读考试中,简化句子题也经常出现,那么关于这类题目考 生应该掌握哪些技巧和方法呢?在备考的过程中,又应该从哪些方面入 手呢?本次智课教育小编就来和大家分享一下托福阅读解题技巧,希望 可以帮助考生在考试中取得高分! 一.题干 Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Uncorrected choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 二.例题 (一)例题1 Many ecologists now think that(许多生态学家现在认为) the relative long-term stability of climax communities (主语,of引导的 所属结构翻译为…的,但是谓语动词要和of前面的主词一致)comes not from(表示一个隐性的因果关系) diversity but from the patchiness of the environment(这个句子由逗号分开的), an environment that(定语从句,修饰environment) varies from place to place supports more kinds of organisms than an environment that is uniform(这句话是插入语,表示进一步的补充说明). A local population that goes extinct is quickly replaced by immigrants from an adjacent community. Even if the new population is of a different species, it can approximately fill the niche vacated by the extinct population and keep food web intact.解决问题的时候要找主干和逻辑关系。 1.表示隐性的因果关系的词 : 表示导致含义: lead to, cause, result, result in, give rise to, render, produce, make等使役动词,support, stimulate, spur, spark, fuel, motivate, prompt. b.由……而来 :come from, result from, originate derive from, initiate from, stem from, be attributable to, be responsive to. C映,体现 :reflect, present, suggest, show y, demonstrate. d.考虑至… 依赖… :given, considering, on account of, in view of, thanks to, according to, rely on, depend on, resort to. c.条件关系 :if, when, while, as, as soon as, as long as,虚拟条件句 f.分词短语\不定式\独立主格作状语 2.插入语 :插入语是一种独立成分,通常与句中其他成分没有 语法上的关系。 插入语大都是对一句话进行附加说明或解释 ,通常由一个词、一个 短语或一个句子构成 ,常置于句首、 句中或句末 ,一股用逗号或破折号与句子隔开。 3.这个题目中的正确选项是D,A patchy environment is thought to increase stability because it is able to support a wide variety


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