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32 2 V ol. 32 N o . 2 2010 4 JO U RN A L O F EEE A pr . 20 10 / 0 颜秋容, 袁 芳, 曹 娟 ( 华中科技大学 电气与电子工程学院, 湖北武汉4 30074) : / 0 ( ) , / 0 , / 0 / 0 , : ; ; : G724. 4; T M 13 : A : 1008-0686( 20 10) 02-0 114-03 Teaching Design of Electric Circuit Theory Online Course YAN Qiu-rong, YUANFang, CAOJuan ( H uaz hong Univ ers i ty of S ci ence and T ech nol ogy , Wu han 430074, China) Abstract:A n mport ant m eans of enhanc ng the qual t y o f net w or k educat on s t o bu ld a ser es of onl ne courses w t h h g h- qual ty . Based on the constr uct on exper ence of Elect r c C rcu t T heo ry nat onal exce- llent course ( net w or k educat on class) , t he t each ng des gn dea and t he t each ng method of t he Electr c C rcu t T heory onl ne course are proposed , nclud ng expanded pyram dal t heory t each ng syst em and f our com plementary exper ment al teach ng syst em su t able f or o nl ne bas c co ur se n eng neer ng m ajo rs. T he pract ce dem onst rates that t he proposed o nl ne course patt ern s prop t ou s t o the t each ng object ves w h ch conclude accumulat on of know ledg e, development of t h nk ng pro cesses , mprovement of deat on and cult v at on o f man pulat ve sk l l. eywords:onl ne course; elect r c c rcu t t heo ry; excel lent cour se [ 2- 3] 2007 0 , ,


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