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09届高考题库(书面表达题) 1 今年年初我国政府对法定节假日作出如下调整: 1. 五一节由3天调整为1天. 2. 清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day )、端午节(Dragon Boat Festival )、中秋节增设为国家法定节假日(legal holidays). 假如你是王平,是江苏省南京市育才中学高三8班学生。最近,你班举行了一个班会,对此法定节假日调整进行了一次热烈的讨论,讨论结果如下: 75% 学生支持 25%学生反对 理由: 1.作为一个有着五千多年悠久历史的古国,我们的传统节日是中华民族文化遗产的一部分; 2. 每个传统节日都有着它的特定的含义。如每年农历五月初五端午节之际,人们以包粽子、赛龙舟的方式纪念古代大诗人屈原。清明节,人们以不同方式祭祖或向已故亲人好友和英雄寄托哀思、表达崇敬之情。 理由: 1.五一黄金周的取消使很多人尤其是年轻人不能去长途旅游;三天时间度假不够尽兴。 2.黄金周的取消对于旅游业是个不小的损失。 今天是6月8日,正好是端午节, 你的美国笔友Jack想了解有关中国节假日方面的情况,请根据以上内容,用英语给他写一封完整的英文信,向他介绍我国节假日的调整情况及你们班学生对此的不同意见,并就此调整谈谈你自己的看法.(至少两点) 参考词汇: 粽子: zongzi; 黄金周: golden week;取消:cancellation n. (注:本篇字数已大大超过了高考要求,内容仅供同学们做写作时参考。另外,提醒同学们注意完整的书信格式。) Class 8, Senior 3 , Yucai High School Nanjing ,Jiangsu China June 8,2008 Dear Jack, I’m writing to tell you something about the adjustment of our legal holidays . The new holiday plan cuts May Day holiday from three days to one day and for the first time adds a day each ---the Tomb-sweeping Day , the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival to the list of legal holidays. Recently our class has held a heated discussion about the adjustment . Three quarters of the students are in favour of it . Their reasons are as follows. Firstly , as an ancient country with a history of over 5,000 years, traditional festivals represent part of the Chinese nation’s culture heritage. Secondly , every traditional festival has its special meaning. Take Dragon Boat Festival for example , people show great honor and respect for our ancient poet, Quyuan, in forms of wrapping and eating zongzi and holding dragon boat races. Another traditional festival ,Tomb-sweeping Day also provides people with a chance to show mourning or respect to their ancestors ,late friends, relatives or heroes . However , one fifth of the students in our class don’t think it necessary to make such an arrangement . In their opinion, the cancel of May Day Gol



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