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2005年、2006年、2008和2009年 《新托福白金口语真题答案集》 3.0版 此文件为无老师搜集和整理,并非原创. 感谢原作者“秋姐”和易鸿博!!! /bbs/thread-1185506-1-1.html 口语真题答案系列使用指南: 特点: 1. 真。 2. 权威。 3. 恒久耐用。 4.复现率高。 5. 绝对高分之必备。 优势: 1. 将历年考过的真题一二题的答案样本呈现给备战托友。 2. 提供了一个8句无敌模板标准,利于控制时间。 3. 结构明晰,套句和亮点词汇有明显标注,节省备考时间。 4. 长短句分配有致。 5. 表达地道,原汁原味。 6. 提供了一种思维模式。 7. 提供了更加现场化的音频。 适合人群: 1. 即将或正在备战新托福的同学。 2. 对口语感到迷茫的同学。 3. 想获得高分的同学。 4. 想进入理想大学的同学。 5. 想说文化英语的朋友。 使用方法: 1. 随时关注此版块,进度跟上。 2. 每次看到题目后,不要直接看答案。自己先审题,写出个人备案 3.对照样本答案进行修缮小马过河6 ~3 d, r- A; m w 4.自己录音 5.听样本音频,对比不足 学之所得: 1. 形成了思考的习惯。 2. 口语已不在话下。 3. 触类旁通,刺激了其他部分的提高。 4. 得了高分。 5. 进了象牙塔。 6. 高兴。 7. 真高兴。 无老师网站: 无老师微博:/noteacherwxl 2005年,2006年真题 2005年 11月 (11.8, 11.19) 11 .8 1.Describe your favorite?book?you read, and explain why it is?important?to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.? Of all the wonderful books,?The Greatest Salesman in the World is the book that I can never put it down and had a transforming effect on my life. It is such a kind of book that inspires, that offers practical tips about goals, habits,?productivity?(本义:生产力,可引申为“多产性,创造性”)and more. To be specific, it’s a book about how to empower and motivate yourself to be successful。Many, many people have read this book and many of them have reported?life-changing?(具生命转折意义的)results from the postive concepts contained within it. They are pretty inspiring. It surely is something that I can depend on when I’m in?adversity(逆境).The principals are powerful and really work for me. In this case,?I think the book is very important to me even though it might not work for some other people. 共8句 我的时间记录:41’’ 你的时间记录: ______ 注: T2T6??。没有被回忆 (当时考生较少) 11. 19? T1.? Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explain why it is the most useful.? The book that I think is the most useful is OG, Official Guide for new TOEFL. I’m a book lover and have lots and lots of collections. But OG is of the greatest use‘cause I’m taking TOEFL Test, which is a must for a stude


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