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英汉语言对比;语 法;综合vs.分析;综合语的特征是运用形态变化来表达语法关系。拉丁语、德语及古英语都属于这类语言。 分析语的特征是不用形态变化而用语序以及虚词来表达语法关系。汉语属于典型的分析语。 现代英语有形态变化,但不像典型的综合语那么复杂;语序比汉语灵活,但相对固定;虚词很多,用的也相当频繁。;形态变化对比;他的行动,快得惊人。 他行动的速度快的令人惊讶。 他行动速度之快,令人惊讶。 他的快速行动是我们感到惊讶。 我们对他的快速行动感到惊讶。;I gave him a book. He has given me two books. His father often gives him books.;语序对比;Case 1: He had to quit the position and went in exile, having been deprived of his power. 他被剥夺了权力之后,只好离职,流落他乡。 Case 2: It must be a great satisfaction to all ranks and races engaged in our common effort that the Japanese have been challenged and beaten in jungle warfare in Burma, and that their boastfulness should have received a salutary exposure. 在缅甸丛林中,日军受到挑战并被击败;他们的自吹自擂,这回可得到了有益的揭露——这对于从事与我们共同事业的各阶层人士、各民族人民来说,必然是一件大快人心的事。;定语的位置;;在表达多层逻辑思维时,英语可充分利用形态变化、语序和虚词,常用包孕许多修饰成分或从句的复合句或长句,句中各部分的顺序比较灵活。 汉语表达同样意思时,主要借助语序和虚词,常用短句、分句按照一定的时间和事理顺序,有先有后,有主有次,逐层叙述。 英语常常是表态部分在前,叙事部分在后,汉语则相反。 ;Case 3: I was all the more delighted when, as a result of his initiative of your Government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly. 由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快的重新实现访问。这使我感到特别高兴。 Case 4: Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing. 如今人们知道,如果食物中缺少了某些重要的成分,即使其中不含有任何有害的物质,也会引起严重的疾病。;Case 5: 当我们欣赏人造美女的美貌并惊叹于技术的神奇的时候,无疑会对人类的创??力和改造力敬佩不已。 There is no doubt that we can’t help admiring human creativity and the capacity to remake the world when we are enjoying the good looks of man-made beauties and exclaiming at the wonders of technology. Case 6: 消费者来的时候,他们会推荐更为便宜的盗版;而检查小组来的时候,他们则出具发票,证明自己是在出售正版光盘。 They recommend cheaper pirate versions when consumers arrive but produce receipts to show that they are selling copyright VCDs when the inspectors turn up.;Case 7: The assertion that it was difficult, if not impossible, for a people to enjoy its basic rights unless it was able to determine freely its political status and to ensure freely its economic, social and cultural development was now scarcely c


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