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dress sb/oneself (给某人/自己穿衣服)/ be dressed in+衣物、颜色(穿着) / dress (oneself) up (as)(盛装打扮) 这个小男孩足够大能给自己穿衣服了。 The little boy is old enough to dress himself 那边那个穿白色衬衫的人是谁? Who is the man that is dressed in a white shirt? Who is the man dressed in a white shirt. 每年的春节,小孩们穿上盛装到亲戚家拜年。 During the Spring Festival every year, children dress (themselves) up and pay new-year visits to their relatives. Translation 1.在万圣节,孩子们经常乔装打扮去吓唬别人。 At Halloween, children often_______ to frighten people. 2.如果孩子们得不到任何东西,他们就可能会捉弄别人。 If children are not given anything, they might ___________. 3.端午节是为了纪念古代诗人屈原而举行的。 __________ is __________ the ancient poet, Qu Yuan. 4.孩子们都盼望着春节的到来。 5.他到现在还没有露面。 He _______________________ so far. 6.看上去她好像知道了这个消息。 It _____________ she has known the news. 7.那条通往山顶的路去年被村民们修成了。 The way ________the top of the hill _____ last year by villagers. 8.年轻人一见钟情是很危险的。 It is________for the young to ________ each other at first sight. 五句话写作----春节 1.每个国家都有很奇特的节日,其中有一些非常有 趣,而且历史悠久。 (some of which ) 2.中国的春节开始于农历12月底。 ( take place) 3.过年前,人们做好充分准备,比如大扫除、买新衣等等。 (get ready for ,such as ) 4. 除夕夜,人们吃团圆饭。( a family dinner ) 5.无论离家多远,这天家庭成员都会赶回来。 ( no matter …, be present ) 6.新年第一天,人们打扮一新,访亲探友。 ( dress up, greet ) 7.人们期待美好生活,给孩子们压岁钱。 ( look forward to ,lucky money) Every country in the world had special festivals, some of which are interesting and have a long history. The Spring Festival in China is such a nice and important one, which takes place at the end of December Chinese Lunar Calendar .Before the Spring Festival, people often get everything ready for it, such as doing house cleaning, and buying new clothes for the family. On the New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner and all members of the family try to be present, no matter how far away they are. On the first day of the new year, dressing up and greeting their relatives and friends, people look forward to the wonderful future and children a


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