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* 互联网和相声Network and cross talk 郭德纲先生没有为自己的相声表演做过大规模的公关宣传,也没有开发以相声或笑声为卖点的相关产品,是什么力量,让郭氏的民间草根相声如此火红呢? Mr. Guo, Degang has not launched a large scale broadcasting about his play, nor has he designed relevant products centered on cross talk or sound of laugh. Then, what is the source of power, which makes his cross talk so popular? 互联网和相声Network and cross talk 出乎很多人的预料,不少“钢丝”(郭德纲先生的相声迷)都是通过互联网了解并熟知郭德纲先生的 Out of many peoples expectation, many “Gang Shi”(fans of Mr. Guo, Degang) get to know him and be familiar with him through Internet. 而郭德纲先生本人在自己的成名过程中,也有意无意地借用了网络的力量。 And in the process of building up his fame, Mr. Guo, Degang more or less relies on the power of network. 互联网和相声Network and cross talk 郭德纲先生多年的搭档于谦说:“他就相声这么一个纯爱好,演出完了就回家,哪都不去,对电视也不是很感兴趣,就是上网听录音看光盘,然后琢磨自己的段子。” Mr. Qian Yu, his long-term partner, once said:“His only hobby is cross talk. He will directly go home after play. He is not interested in watching TV, either. Thus, he has spent most of his free time on the Internet, listening to records, watching videos and thinking over his clips.“ 互联网和相声Network and cross talk 可见郭德纲先生从网上学到不少东西。 Thus, it can be inferred that Mr. Guo, Degang has learn a lot from network. 2005年三、四月间,大伙提议建立一个宣传平台,采集听众的反馈意见,有则改之,无则加勉, In March or April, 2005, someone suggested that a platform should be built to collect the response from audiences. If these feedback point out some problems, then try to correct them, otherwise, continue with the effort. 互联网和相声Network and cross talk 出主意的都是电脑的外行人,郭德纲先生的相声迷中,有些懂技术的Fans义务承担了此项重任,帮忙筹建网站。 It is the computer laymen who came up with this idea, but it is some computer guru fans who took the responsibility to build the website. 互联网和相声Network and cross talk 众人拾柴火焰高,5月网站的雏形就出来了, Things went smoothly when all the strengths were united. In May, the basic framework of this website was built. 在这个“笑友论坛”里,有什么对相声、对曲艺不明白的地方,都可以自由发问。 In this “laughing friends forum“, if anyone has some puzzle about cross talk, quyi, he/she can freely propose a question. 互联网和相


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