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英汉翻译实用教程第十三讲 汉语特殊句型的翻译 1、译为英语连系动词 be 1)改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。 Reform is the only process through which China can be revitalized,a process which is irreversible and which accords with the will of the people and the general trend of events. 2)那年月,有钱人是天天过年。 In those years,the rich people’s extravagance was such that every day was a Spring Festival. 3)是党和政府的正确方针和政策,促进了广大农村的经济繁荣。 It is the correct principles and policies of our Party and Government that have promoted the economic prosperity of China’s vast rural areas。 2、省略”是”字 1)武汉是长江中下游地区的特大城市,是湖北省的政治、经济、文化、科技中心。 Wuhan,a metropolis situated in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River,is the political,economic,cultural,scientific and technological center of Hubei Province。 (译文利用同位语,将第一个”是”省略) 2)中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,社会生产力水平总的还比较低。 As the largest developing country in the world China has a relatively low level of productive forces on the whole。 3)工业企业效益差是当前许多矛盾的症结所在。 All the contradictions existing in industrial enterprises today boil down to scanty economic returns。 3、译为被动语态 1)革命者是杀不完的。 Revolutionaries can never be wiped out。 2)这双皮鞋是定做的。 This pair of leather shoes are custom-made。 3)这种装置在机械表制造工业中是很需要的。This kind of device is much needed in the mechanical watch-making industry。 4、根据”是”的实际意义翻译 1)创新是一个民族进步的灵魂。Innovation sustains the progress of a nation。 2)这是大势所趋,人心所向。 This represents the general trend of development and the common aspiration of the people. 3)澳门问题的圆满解决,是中葡两国关系史上的一个重要里程碑。 The successful settlement of the Macao question marks an important milestone in the annals of Sino-Portuguese relation. 4)这个增长速度是指导性的,是就全国来说的。 This growth rate serves as a guide which applies to the country as a whole。 5)译为but it is(was)… 这个故事好是好,就是长了点。 It is a good story all right,but it’s a bit too long. 6)用there be结构翻译表示”凡是”的”是”字是重活,他都抢着干。 Whenever there’s a tough job,he is always the first to do it. 13.2 得”字句的翻译 汉语结构助词”得”一般用在动词或形容词之后,连接补语成分,表示能力、可能性、结果、程度等。汉语的”得”字,可根据其语法功能,利用英语的词法或句法手段翻译。 13.2.1 表示能力或可能性的“得”字句 表示能力或可能性的“得”字句的英译



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