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Environmental effects of the succession vegetation of lower
Title subtro-pical zone in Southern China; 华南南亚热带不同演替阶段植
Author(s) Guan, D; Peart, MR
Citation Environmental Science, 2000, v. 21 n. 5, p. 1-5
Issued Date 2000
URL /10722/157910
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Rights NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
2000 9 EN V IRO N M ENT A L SCIEN CE Sep. , 2000
1 2
, M . R . Peart ( 1. , 51027 5; 2. , )
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N P K 12 39 , 1216 ; N P K 1136
, 3. 15. 2 . 30 N P K 1. 95. 1 . º 100
1349 . 30
2. 33. 4 , . » pH
pH 1. 131. 03 1. 90 , . ¼
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X173 A 0250-330 1( 2000) 05-000 1-05
Environmental Effects of the Succession Vegetation of Lower Subtro-
pical Zone in Southern China
1 2
Guan D ong sheng , M . R. Peart ( 1. Dep art m ent of Enviro nm ent al Science, Zhongsh au U niv ersit y,
Gu ang zho u 510275 , China ; 2 . Dep ar tm ent o f G eog r aphy G eolog y, U niv er sity of Hong K ong , Ho ng Ko ng,
Abstract T his stu dy deal s w ith the cap acity f o r nutr ient con serv atio n , the b alance o f ca rbon and ox yg en as w ell
as the buff er ing of acid ra in in the succession of v egetat ion of low er subtro p ical zone of souther n China. T he re-
( 1) , , 100 - 12
sult s show th at N P K co ntent s of plant s o f a y ear o ld mon soo n ev erg r een bro ad leaved f or est w er e
39 tim es those of the g rassland and f ernland. T hey w ere 1216 tim es tho se o f the shr ubland. It s N , P, K co n-
tent s of