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2007 年 第 31卷 中国石油大学学报( 自然科学版) V o . 31 N o. 1 第 1期 Journa of Ch ina U n ive rs ity o f P etro eum Feb. 2007 : 167 3-5005( 2007) 01-0 122-05 焦化蜡油两段提升管催化裂化研究 袁起民, 王屹亮, 李春义, 杨朝合, 山红红 ( 中国石油大学 重质油国家重点实验室, 山东 东营 25706 1) : , , ( ) , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; : TE 624. 41 : A Study on conversion of coker gas oilby two-stage riser fluid catalytic cracking YUAN Q -im in, WANG Y i- iang, L I Chun-y,i YANG Chao-he, SHAN H ong-hong (StateK ey Laboratory of H eavy OilProcessing in China University of P etroleum, Dongying 257061, Shandong P rovince, China) Abstract: In the tw o- stage rise r f u id ca ta ytic cracking ( TSRFCC ) exper mi enta un it u sing K e am ayi coker gas o i ( CGO ) as feedstock, the effects of operation param ete rs, such as reaction temperature, cata yst-o i ratio and residence tmi e, on the cat- a ytic crack ing conv ers ion o f CGO, and the change of product d istr ibu tion betw een conventiona FCC and T SRFCC under the sam e conversion w ere investigated. And the cata y tic crack ing reacts o f CGO, VGO, and VGO b ending w ith CGO w ere eva- uated. The resu ts show tha t com pared w ith conventiona FCC, under the sam e conve rsion, the y ie d of ight o i and iquid y ie d cou d be increased significant y, and the y ie d of dry gas cou d be reduced u sing TSRFCC techno ogy, w h ich exhibited exce en t advan tages in the cata y tic c racking o f CGO. Furtherm ore, on the w ho e the cata y tic cracking of CGO and VGO separate y w as superior to that o f VGO b ending w ith CGO. K ey words: wt o-stage r iser f u id cata y tic crack ing ;


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