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HUNAN UNIVERSITY 毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: 数据采集自动化处理与数据挖掘 学生姓名: 武 祥 斌 学生学号: 20041610326 专业班级: 软件工程2004级开发2班 指导老师: 李 玮 系主任(院长): 林亚平 2008年5月26日 数据采集自动化处理与数据挖掘 摘要 目前,随着社会经济的发展,金融市场变的异常庞大和复杂,而基金作为一种金融衍生产品,在金融市场中占有一席之地。随着基金产业的不断发展,各种类型的基金进入金融市场,作为一种理财产品,就是要为大众服务,帮助大家理财,然而当投资者面对大量的基金产品,不知应该怎样选择,所以我们的目标就是帮助普通的投资者和金融机构做出判断,指引他们选择适合自己的基金。 为了达到上面的目的,我们就需要大量的数据来做支撑,所以采集这些基金产品的数据是十分重要的,每天有来自世界各地的金融机构为我们提供这些数据,而我们的目的就是要采集这些数据,保持数据的完整性和正确性就是我们这套系统的主要功能。 我们采用程序的方式来实现这样的数据采集,并且不需要人工干预,本套系统采用了c#语言,以及三层结构本身的一些设计上特点做了较为详细的分析,以及大量采用了XML技术, 三层架构的设计实现了一套功能相对完备并具有良好用户界面和可扩展性的系统。在本中也对本文中的创新点进行阐述,同时展望了采集数据的自动化和数据挖掘的发展方向以及前景。 关键词:基金,XML,数据挖掘 Automation of Data Collection and Data Mining ABSTRACT Author: Wu xiang bin Tutor:Li Wei At present, as the social and economic development, financial markets become unusually large and complex, and the fund as a financial derivative products, financial markets in a place. With the continuous development of the industry, various types of funds into the financial markets, financial products as a means for the public services, financial management help people, but when investors face a lot of fund products, they do not know what to choose, Our goal is to help ordinary investors and financial institutions to make a judgement, the guidelines they choose to suit their own funds. To achieve the above objectives, we need to do a lot of data support, the collection of data products of these funds is very important, every day from all over the world financial institutions to provide us with these data, and our goal is to acquisition of these data, and maintain data integrity and accuracy of this system is our main function. We adopt a program approach to achieve such a data collection, and does not require manual intervention, this set of systems used c # language, and the three-tier structure itself to do some design featur


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