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困境时激励员工的五大法宝 motivating employees Several Fortune China readers have recently asked the following question: 最近,有几位财富中文网的读者提出如下问题: “With a tough economy it is difficult to meet our employees’ expectation of salary increases. How can we motivate them in other ways to keep them from leaving the company?” “现在经济形势不好,我们很难满足员工涨薪的要求。怎么用其他办法来激励他们,避免他们离职呢?” This is an excellent question for leaders to consider. An even better question is “What really motivates people in an organization, besides money?” 对领导层来说,这是个需要考虑的好问题。其实更好的问法是:“在公司里,除了钱以外,还有什么能够真正地激励员工?” Good work deserves recognition when it comes time for salary reviews. And, there are times when, to keep the business afloat, leaders have to tighten their belts and find other ways to recognize strong performance. All of us like money, and, the truth is, few of us work for money alone. I once worked for 4 years in a job I loved, for relatively low pay, because it was so enjoyable. The nature of the work itself, the perks and the working environment made it worthwhile for me to stay in the job, and I was recognized as a top performer. In other words, the “Intrinsic” rewards and motivators were so high that I didn’t care too much about the “Extrinsic” motivators. Here is what these words mean, in case they are new to you: 考虑是否给员工调薪时,出色的工作表现是需要被肯定的。有时候,为了维系企业的生存,老板必须得勒紧腰带,用其他办法来肯定员工的优秀业绩。大家都喜欢钱,但事实上,很少有人工作纯粹是为了赚钱。我曾经在一份自己很喜欢的工作上干了4年,拿的报酬相对较低,只是因为很享受这份工作。这份工作的性质、津贴及工作环境都让我觉得干下去很值,那时我也是公认的顶级员工。换言之,当时“内在”奖励和激励因素很强,所以我并不怎么在意“外在”激励因素。大家有可能对这两个词不太熟悉,故以下略作阐释: Intrinsic means “in the thing itself.” In other words, an intrinsic motivation comes from inside, not from outside. Examples could include values, rapport with boss and colleagues, working environment, we like the kind of work and it satisfies us in important ways. Salary is not really a factor in intrinsic motivation. We simply find the job and the working environment satisfying at a personal level. 内在意味着“事物本身”。换言之,内在动机发自内心,而非身外。比如价值观、与老板和同事的密切关系、工作环境、对工作的喜爱及它在一些重要方面带来的满足感。薪水


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