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Its often said that happiness is achieved once passion collides with skill. In other words, people thrive when theyre doing the things they love. Naturally, getting paid to do those things is what many people consider a dream life. Unfortunately, most people consider such a life just that: an unobtainable dream. That doesnt have to be the case, though. Many hobbies and passions can -- and do -- lead to lucrative careers and fulfilling lives.常言道,快乐是激情与技艺摩擦的结晶。换句话说,人们做自己喜欢的事情容易成功。自然,因从事所爱之事而获得报酬是许多人梦寐以求的生活。可惜,多数人都觉得这种生活可望而不可及。其实未必如此。许多兴趣和激情能够而且也确实缔造了美好的事业和完满的人生。
Fitness gurus who are passionate about staying fit have a unique opportunity to teach what they love to do. Whether you excel at weight lifting, yoga, pilates or mountain biking, you can take classes to become an instructor. Also consider getting a job as a coach for schools and clubs.热衷于保持健美的健身专家拥有特别的机会,可以教授自己喜欢的活动。不论你是擅长举重、瑜伽、肚皮舞还是山地车,你都可以接受培训去做教练员。而且,你还可以考虑在学校或俱乐部谋个差事。
Everyone can take a picture with a camera, but its no secret that some are better at making images than others. If you possess impressive photography chops, people will pay you good money for your work. To build your portfolio, offer your services for low prices and then work your way up.谁都会用相机拍照,但众人皆知有些人就是能比别人做得更好。如果你摄影技艺了得,人们就会优酬请你拍照。要获得成功,你可以先廉价提供服务,然后再一步一步扩大。
With countless factories creating wooden furniture for impressively low prices and at impressively fast speeds, youd think thered be no demand for handmade carpentry skills. Thats not the case. Many home and business owners still appreciate fine craftsmanship and are willing to pay for handmade, sturdy, one-of-a-kind pieces.有数不清的工厂能够迅速生产出物美价廉的木制家具,你可能觉得手工木匠活怕是无人问津了,不过事实并非如此。许多家庭和企业主仍然欣赏好的木工手艺,也愿意为那些坚固的百里挑一的手工木活花费大手笔。
For some, music isnt just a hobby -- its necessary to their happiness here on Earth. If you fall into the music lover category, perhaps a career in staffs, notes and key signatures is f
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