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2008 6 15 3 Ch in J Clin On o lRehab il, June 2008, Vol 15, No. 3 253
薛奇 高树庚 张默言 高禹舜 赫捷
( 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学肿瘤医院胸外科, 北京 100021)
1975 2007
59 59 37 , 22
26~ 72, 47645, 13, 137
, 32, 13, 932%
4 1, 98% ; 18, 667%
38 5, 5, 10 1000% 857% ; 5
538% ,
; ; ;
R734. 2; R730. 4 A 2008)
D iagnosis and trea mt ent of b ron chopu lm onary carc inoid tum ors
X UE Q ,i GA O Shug eng, ZH AN G M oyan, et al
( Department of Thora i Surgery, Can er H ospital, Pek ing Un ion M ed i al College, Ch inese A adem y of
M ed i al S ien es, B eijing 100021, China)
A bstract O bj ective T o explore diagnosis and treatm ent of bron hopu lm onary ar inoid tumors.
M ethods Fiftyn ine patien ts w ith bron hopu lm onary ar inoid were surgi ally treated in our hosp ital from
1975 to 2007 and their lin i al features, treatm ents and survival w ere review ed. R esu lts O f the 59 pa
tients, 37 w erem ales and 22 w ere fem ales. Them edian age w as 476, ranging from 26 to 72Fortyfive pri
m ary tum ors were lo ated in the major bron hi, 13 in the periphery of the lung and 1 in the tra hea. Bron
hos opy w as perform ed for to 37 ases preoperatively, b iopsy was ondu ted in 32 ases and orre t patho
logi al d iagnos is w as obtained in 13 ases. A ll of the patients re eived surgi al treatment, the rate of radi al
operation w as 932% . O f the 59 patients, 41 were diagnosed as typi al ar inoids ( TC) and 18 as atypi al
ar innoids ( AC). In the TC and A C groups, the rates of lymphnodem etastases w ere 98% and 667% ,
respe tively. Th irtyeight ases ( 25TC, 13AC ) of this group w ere followed up for 5 years, the 5and 10year
survival rates of TC w ere 1000% and 857% , respe tively. The 5year survival rate w as 538% in AC
group. Conc lu sion Surgi al rese tion is the m ost effe tive treatm ent