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生物技术通报 BIO TE CHN OLOG Y B ULLETIN 2010 10 杨晓玲 施苏华 唐恬 (, 510275) : Sanger测序的提出给人类破译遗传密码提供了强有力的工具而近 年飞速发展起来的高通量测序技术无论 在成本还是效率上, 都对传统测序提出了巨大的挑战千元人类基因组计划的公布更是加快了测序研发的进程通过下 一 代测序技术, 科学家不仅能够绘制出各 个物种的基因组图谱, 还能探讨不同条件下的基因表达差异以及不同物种之间或者物 种之内的序列差异, 进而为传统生物学以及医学研究开辟新的视角与此同时, 随着各大测序平台的不断改进, 普通实验室 都有能力承担此类大型测序项目就目前正在发展的 种高通量测序技术进行了综合阐述, 并比较了各种测序技术的优缺 点, 最后对其应用领域作了简单介绍 : 第二代测序 第三代测序 基因组 转录组 重测序 Research Progress and Application of N ext-generation Sequencing Yang X iaoling Sh iSuhua Tang T ian ( S ch oo l of L fi e S c iences, S un Ya t-sen Un iv ersity, Guangzh ou 510275) A bstrac:t The developm en t of Sanger sequen ing has brough t a pow erful tool for hum an being to de ipher the geneti ode. H ow- ever, the arrival of h igh-throughput sequen ing over the past several years high ly hallenges the traditionalm ethod, not on ly in ost but also in effi ien y. A ra e toward the$ 1 000 genom e dram ati ally a elerates the speed of te hnologi al innovation. Therefore, next gen- eration sequen ing w ill allow us to draw a om plete genom em ap, om pare gene expression under d ifferent onditions, and dem onstrate sequen e variation betw een or w ithin spe ies, all ofw hi h would open out a new avenue for b iologi al orm edi al resear h. A t the sam e tmi e, w ith the h igh ly-developed sequen ing platform s, nearly every resear h team w ou ld have the opportunity to arry out su h resear h. In th is paper, we provide a snapshot of these new approa hes, d is uss the advantages and lmi itations of them, and also illustrate their ap- p li ations in various fields. K ey w ords: Se ond generation sequen ing Th ird generation sequen ing Genom e Trans rip tom e Re-sequen ing , ,


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