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208 2005 8 J App l Clin Pediatr, Vol .20 No.8 A ugus t 2005
·756 ·
王 弘,张伟玲
(广州市天河区妇幼保健院儿科, 广州510610)
[] , 。
+ +
192 113 , K 、Na 、
Cl 。 , 192 179 , 13 。156 ,
81.3%。()84 (43.8%), ()47 (24.5%), 25 (13.0%)。 13
, 2 。 113 , 99
(87.6%), 50 (44.2%), 20 (17.7%), 3 + 16 (14.
2%), 11 (9.7%), +2 (1.8%)。 ,
, 。。
。(AG), 。
, 2005, 20(8):756-757
[] 婴儿, 新生;脐血;动脉血气分析;酸碱平 失调
[] R722.1 [] A [] 1003-515X(2005)08-0756-02
Clinical Features of Cord andArtery Blood Gas Analysis in Neonate withAcid-Base Imbalance
WANG Hong , ZHANG Wei-ling
(Department of Pe iatrics, Guangzhou Tianhe Women an Chil ren Health Center, Guangzhou 510610, China)
Abstract: bjective To iscuss clinical features an harmfulness of aci -base imbalance in newborn by investigating the changes in
bloo gas of cor an artery bloo , an to establish more appropriate preventionmeasures.Methods One hun re an ninety-two cor bloo
an 113 peripheral artery bloo of neonateswere measure for bloo gas analysis by automatic bloo gas analysis instrument from America;mean-
+ + -
while, the concentrations of K ,Na an Cl were etecte by biochemical analyzer.Results Among 192 neonates, 179 were normal labor an
13 neonates un erwent aci osis of ifferent egrees.The inci ence was 79.9%.Among the 13 ca-ses,2 cases ha severe asphyxia an both of
them got serious mixe aci osis.For all the neonates, 156 cases got aci osis, 84 neonates un erwent respiratory aci osis (43.8%), 47 cases
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