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36 3       V ol.36 N o.3 200 8 3 N EW CH EM ICA L M A T ERIA LS ·79 · RVT-1 1 1 * 2 2 2 2 徐传辉  何 慧  刘 莉  王跃林  吴利民  朱红浩 (1.华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院, 广州510640;2.广州吉 盛科技实业有限公司, 广州510450 )   以无水氯化钙作为除水剂, 未经高温干燥的 CaCO 3 为填料, 制备脱醇型单组分室温硫化(RT V-1)硅橡胶。 研究了氯化钙用量对脱醇型 RT V-1 硅橡胶模拟加速储存前后的性能影响, 结果表明:氯化钙缩短了硅橡胶的表干时间, 改善了硅橡胶的储存性能,但随着氯化钙用量增加,硅橡胶力学性能均逐渐下降;氯化钙用量为10 份时, 硅橡胶各方面性 能在加速储存前后均保持较佳,但是热稳定性下降严重。  无水氯化钙, 除水剂, 脱醇型 RT V-1 硅橡胶, 加速储存 Calcium chloride anhydrous used as a moisture scavenger in dealcoholized RTV-1 silicone rubber X u Chuanhu 1  H e Hu 1  L u L 2  W ang Y uel n2  Wu L m n2  Z hu Ho ng hao2 (1.M ater al Department of So ut h Ch na Un ver s ty of T echnology , Guang zhou 510640; 2.Guang zhou G BS H g h-T ech.Indu st ry Co .L t d.,Guang zhou 510450 ) Abstract  Dealco ho l zed one-component ro om temper ature v ulcan zed (RT V-1)s l cone rubbe r w as prepared w th ca lc um chlor de anhydro u s used as mo sture scavenge r and un-dr ed CaCO .T he eff ects of calc um chlo r de anhydro u s con- 3 tent o n pr opert es of dealco hol zed RT V-1 s l cone r ubbe r befo re a nd af te r an accele rat ng sto rage w e re stud ed.T he re sults sho w ed tha t calc um chlor de anhydro us mel o rated the self-l ve of the dealcohol zed RT V-1 s l cone rubbe r and cut dow n the surf ace cur ng t me, but the mechan cal propert e s of the dealco ho l zed RT V-1 s l cone rubber decrea sed as the Calc um chlor de anhydro us content ncreased.T he s l cone r ubbe rs had g ood mechan cal proper t es w hen 10phr Cal


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