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DO I :10.16073/j .cnki .cj cpt.2010.24.005
·20 10 · , ERCC5 -763AG
ERCC5 -763AG
陈建芳, 李建军, 蒋金妍, 邹岚, 裴莉, 潘凤, 梁后杰
第三军医大学西南医院肿瘤中心, 重庆400038
Relationship between ERCC5-763AG polymorphism and clinical outcome of patients
withadvanced colorectal cancer treated with platinum-based chemotherapy
CH EN J ian-f ang, LI J ian-j un, J IA N GJ in-y an, ZOU Lan, PE I L i, P AN Feng, LI AN G Hou-j ie
Cancer Center, Southwest Hos ital, Third Military Medical University , Chongqing 400038, P.R.China
【】 :探讨ERCC5 基因启动子 [ABSTRACT] OBJECTIVE:To study the r e atio nship betw een sing e
区单核苷酸多态 与中国汉族晚期大肠 nuc eo tide po y mor phism s (SN P)in the pr omo te r of ERCC5 (excision
癌奥沙利铂疗效的相关 。 :收集 repair cr oss comp ementatio n g roup 5 )g ene and c inica o utco me o f
以奥沙利铂为主化疗的105 例晚期大肠 Chinese patients w ith advanced co orecta cancer treated w ith o xa ip a-
癌患者化疗开始前静脉血, 提取基因组 tin-ba sed chemo ther apy .METHODS:DN A w as e xtr acted fro m pe-
D NA, 应用P CR-LD R 方法检测ERCC5 riphera b oo d ce s befo re ox a ip atin-based chemotherapy in 105 ad-
基 因 3 个 SNP 位 点-14 15C T vanced co o recta cancer patients.T hree po ymo rphism s in the ERCC5
(r s209425 8)、-763A G (rs2016073)及 gene promo ter, -14 15CT (r s2094258), -763AG (r s2016073)and
-4 13CT (rs94324 5)多态 ,分析不同 -413CT (r s94324 5)w ere detected by PCR-LDR (po y me rase chain
基因型与疾病控制率、无进展生存期 reactio n-igation detection reactio n).A sta tistica ana y sis w as conduc-
(PFS )的相关 。 :携带 ERCC5 ted to inv estiga te the asso ciatio n betw een po ymo rphism and c inica
-763GG 、-763AG 和-763A