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2014 08
年 月 中国民康医学 Aug ,2014
26 15 期
第 卷 半月刊 第 Medical Journal of Chinese People's Health Vol. 26 Semimonthly No. 15
【 】
综 述
替牙期前牙反 矫治方法的研究现状
程宇钊 王小琴
( , 030001)
山西医科大学第一医院 山西 太原
【 】 , , 、 ,
摘要 前牙反牙 是指在正中咬合时 前牙呈反覆盖反覆 关系 由于前牙反 对口腔功能 颜面美观和心理健康有较严重的影响
, 。 大多由乳 ,
并且会随着患者的生长发育面部畸形症状逐渐加重 受到患者以及口腔科医师的重视 替牙期前牙反 牙列期发展而来 是阻断性
。 矫治方法的研究现状作一综述。
矫治的最有利时机 本文将针对替牙期前牙反
【 】 ; ;
关键词 替牙期 前牙反 矫治方法
doi : 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1672 - 0369. 2014. 15. 036
中图分类号: R783. 5 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 1672 - 0369 (2014)15 - 0067 - 03
Research status of orthodontic treatment for anterior cross - bite
in mixed dentition period
CHENG Yu - zhao,WANG Xiao - qin
(First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan ,Shanxi 030001,China)
【Abstract 】Anterior cross - bite could be defined as that when bited in the middle ,the upper frontal primary or individual teeth
were covered and over - bited inversely by the lower frontal primary or individual teeth. Because anterior cross - bite would strongly in-
fluence oral function ,facial appearance and mental health ,and gradually led to facial malformations with the development of the pa-
tients ,it was paid more attention by the patients and the stomatologists. The anterior cross - bite in mixed dentition period mostly de-
veloped from deciduous dentition period ,and the mixed dentition period was the best time for
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